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EXHIBIT A <br />C;r,nsr:pant, irz Lcxrac} Isr and F_conr»nics <br />3452 Sarranumto Street <br />San Francisco, C.A 94 1 18-19 14 <br />Plwru• 415.441-964Q <br />Fnx 41>-4419683 <br />atauu~.mundie.corn <br />October 25, 2007 <br />Steven Bocian, Assistant City Manager <br />City of Pleasanton <br />123 Main Street <br />Pleasanton, CA 94566 <br />Dear Mr. Bocian: <br />Mundie & Associates is pleased to submit this proposal to prepare a fiscal impact analysis of the <br />proposed Staples Ranch Development. This letter, which was originally submitted to the City on <br />September 27, has been modified to reflect our subsequent discussions about the scope of work <br />and subsequent refinements to the description of the project. <br />This letter describes our understanding of the project, outlines our proposed approach to the <br />analysis and scope of services, and presents estimates of the budget and schedule requirements. <br />Our qualifications -brief descriptions of relevant prior work, resumes for staff members who <br />would be assigned to the project, and references -are appended to this letter. <br />We have also enclosed two samples of our work in fiscal analysis (bound in a single volume). <br />^ The first is our fiscal analysis of a proposed destination resort project in Cloverdale, CA. We <br />have included both the draft and final reports, as the project definition changed substantially <br />between the time the two documents were prepared, and the draft report includes a greater <br />variety of uses that were to be developed over a greater number of phases. This project does <br />not represent our most complex fiscal analysis, but we believe it posed a similar set of issues <br />-mix of uses in an area to be annexed to the City, variety of factors that could influence the <br />fiscal impacts of the project - to those raised by the Staples Ranch project. <br />^ The second example is the report on our fiscal analysis of General Plan alternatives in Emery- <br />ville, CA. We have included it because it contains illustrations of the type we now commonly <br />use. <br />UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT <br />Development of the Staples Ranch <br />The City of Pleasanton and the County of Alameda Surplus Land Authority have signed a memo- <br />randum of understanding (MOU) that anticipates the development of Staples Ranch within the <br />City of Pleasanton. The Ranch, which encompasses approximately 124 acres of land, is located <br />primarily in an unincorporated area between the cities of Pleasanton and Livermore. If the City <br />amends the Stoneridge Drive Specific Plan to accommodate the set of land uses identified in the <br />MOU and both sides meet other requirements set out in the MOU, the Ranch would be annexed <br />to the City of Pleasanton and development could occur. <br />}2obertalbtundie, Presiclt•nt Suzanne Lampert, Vice Pre;ir7ent <br />roLenn. mu ndie(anwnd ;uza n ne.4unp~ rrC~mu nd ir.~°om <br />