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EXHIBIT D <br />MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN <br />BERNAL PROPERTY PHASE II SPECIFIC PLAN AND <br />BERNAL COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN <br />Apri126, 2006 <br />INTRODUCTION <br />Mitigation measures are conditions and controls placed on a project to reduce its impacts on the <br />environment. The Bernal Property Phase ^ Specific Plan and the Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />are self-mitigating plans, which means that, in general, the mitigation measures that have been <br />identified to reduce potentially significant impacts to aless-than-significant level are already <br />incorporated into the Project's plans. <br />When an agency approves a project and adopts mitigation measures for potentially significant impacts <br />disclosed by an environmental impact report, the project proponent is required by California law <br />(Public Resources Code Section 21081.6) to establish a monitoring program to ensure that the <br />mitigation measures are implemented. It is intended that this mitigation monitoring and reporting plan <br />(MMRP) will adequately serve this purpose. <br />The MMRP presented in the following table addresses the speciSc topic areas discussed in the envi- <br />ronmental impact report for this project. For each mitigation measure incorporated into the EIR, or <br />policy of the proposed plans that would mitigate an identified potential environmental impact, the <br />MMRP indicates: <br />The party responsible for implementing the mitigation measure, <br />The timing of implementation, and <br />The monitoring agency and action required. <br />