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EXHIBIT B <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />PUD-77-08-1M/PADR-1490, Laurence Callait <br />5745 Northway Road <br />May 10, 2006 <br />The addition covered by this approval shall be in substantial conformance to the site plan, <br />floor plan, elevations, and the building profile, shown as Exhibit A, dated "Received <br />March 15, 2005," on file with the Planning Department, except as modified by the <br />following conditions. Minor alterations may be approved by the Planning Director if <br />found to be in substantial conformance with this approval. <br />2. All other conditions of approval for Case PUD-77-08 shall remain in full force and effect. <br />3. Design review approval for the structure will lapse within one (1) year from the date of <br />approval unless a building permit is issued and construction has commenced and is <br />diligently pursued toward completion or an extension has been approved by the City <br />pursuant to Section 18.20.070 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code. <br />4. All conditions of approval for this case shall be written by the project developer on all <br />building permit plan check sets submitted for review and approval. These conditions of <br />approval shall be on, at all times, all grading and construction plans kept on the project <br />site. It is the responsibility of the building developer to ensure that the project contractor <br />is aware of, and abides by, all conditions of approval. It is the responsibility of the <br />building developer to ensure that the project landscape contractor is aware of, and <br />adheres to, the approved landscape and irrigation plans. Prior approval from the Planning <br />Department must be received before any changes are constituted in site design, grading, <br />building design, building colors or materials, landscaping material, etc. <br />The elevations of the building pad and building height shall be verified as being in <br />conformance to the design review plans dated "Received March 15, 2005" on file in the <br />Planning Department. Said verification is the project developer's responsibility, and <br />shall be performed by a licensed civil engineer. The written verification shall be <br />provided to the Planning Department before the first framing or structural inspection by <br />the Building Department. <br />6. All site improvement and construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. <br />to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No construction shall be allowed on Federal <br />Holidays. All construction equipment must meet DMV noise standards and shall be <br />equipped with muffling devices. <br />All appropriate City permits shall be obtained prior to the construction of the structure. <br />{end} <br />