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INITIATIVE MEASURE TO BE SUBMITTED DIRECTLY TO THE VOTERS <br /> The Altltney glnerll If CIIllofnll his prepared the lellewlng tltll Ind IMamsty ef the chili purl)on end eelnil ef the preeosed musut~ <br /> <br /> APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT ADJUSTMENT. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Constitution limits tax revenues state <br /> local governments annually appropriate for expenditure: allows "cost of living" and "population" changes. "C~+ <br /> living' defined as lesser of change in US Consumer Price Index or per capita personal income; measure redr' <br /> as greater of change In California Consumer Price Index or per capita personal Income. "State poputa' <br /> · ' redefined: Includes Increases In K-12 or community college average dally attendance greater than state p0pt, <br />· growth. Local government "population" redefined: Includes Increases in residents and per~0ns employed. Sp, <br />: ' motor vehicle and fuel taxes are fees not subjecl to appropriations limit. Summary of esiimale by Legislalive A. <br /> end Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: The stale's appropriations limil is estlm~ <br /> Io Increase by approximately $800 million in 1988-89 and by Increasing am0unls thereafter. Indeterminable e~ec: <br /> Ihe appropriali0ns limits of other public entities. Cost of Commission on State Finance rep0d required by <br /> measure would probably be less than $500,000 annually. <br /> <br /> SECTION I, This amendment ihill be know~ litill '(~fT1flll~tUOf~ II Ifne~(~ld tO <br /> 6pending Limitslion and Accountability ACt." -- ~ SEC. 8(f) "Populltion' of any entity of governmen <br /> SECTION 2. The People of the Stile of CiItfornia fired led didIrethin · Ichool district, shill be determined by a method presc; <br /> thlt: by the Legislature. provided thai ·uch detersmariOn ·hall <br /> (1) A litottO and effedlve conltllutionll llmitltiOn on Soysegmentreviled. IS necessity. to reflecl lhe periodic censu'l conduc't~' <br /> Ipendlng II ne(;::elsaty to gulf-antes Iccountlbdily to IISplyers lindthe United Stiles Departmint of Commerce or luccello' <br /> force the poldlcllns to se~ priOrfile end manage Our fix doll~rlof the United elites Government The populll,on of <br /> Ifficjenlly. dlltrict Ihlll be luCh IchooI diltdCt'l Iverl~e dlily Ittenden <br /> delerminld by a method prescribed by lhe Legillllure in <br /> (2) The ·ale end local ~:wsrnmenl Ipending listlitton contllnedfor the stile, populelion Ihall include iny ;ncree~es in r, <br /> In the Cilifornil Conltitulion is out of date and no Iongel pfovldesdlil;f attendance for the K-12 or community college syslen' <br /> tlxplyers with in effedi~.~ Iool for COntrolling government ipendlng.Ire m excess of the pertsolaCe grOwlh In ·tits popullt:on <br /> (3) Since Ill Idoption in 1979. the Current limit has failed fo reflectclse of local governments other than SChoOlS, such delerm;nt~ <br /> the many Chln0es in CahfOrnil'l eCOnOmy As I resuH, ilready.-collectedihall consider increases in the number Of perSOnS employs< <br /> fix revenues clnnot he u·ed to maintain the current level of education.well as tessdinS wdhin the iUriadiCliOn. <br /> Crime preysellen, public Safety. and other vital pubtic <br /> SECTION 5, Sectlof~ 12 k, hereby Idded tO ArtiN XIIIB Of <br /> (4) The curreel limit else has failed to reflecl lhe chinginS ledClfifornll Constitution: <br /> growing needs of California texpayers Wilh 100,0OO nlw children <br /> entering our ichools each yllr, enrollment~ ire increasing much filterSECTION 12 The Commislion on Stile Fin·rice shell re-'- <br /> Ihan the Overall growlh in populllion. Innualfy IO the taxpayers how state revenues received durmc <br /> preceding fiSCal year Ire spent end the IraDuet Of <br /> (5) Adoption of thl· Ict will not tncrelle lilts or loci[ tlxN Ofeppropr~ltions Subject to I~mitll,On under the proescort,. <br /> remove Iny funds from exi·ting programs. including education, lieArl;cle <br /> <br /> (6) Curre~nt law. assuring thlt the Ipending fish may be chingadSECTION E- Section 13 is herelay idded to Article Xtlh. <br /> only by · vole of the people. is retained; end if the voters do rails theC,Iliforn;a Conltitulioo; <br /> 14>endrag limit, that change must be voted on evety four yen. SECTION t3 Changes to ,Section 8 Idopted at the <br /> (7) As t~xplyers. we should be told the sinner in which goverr~.ledion is Idded to the Const:tution shatl he cons,dared erfe<· <br /> menl ia spending Our bird-earned dollIre TO gulrlntee iccounllbilityCommences with the 19~&-87 hscal yea; for purposes of calculi <br /> to tlxplyers. 1hi existing Commi~lion on State Finance shill rapedthe appropriations limit of each entity of govemmenl for the <br /> It~nually Io t~xplyers, how afire revenue,, ere ipenl led 1hi Imount offiscal year and elch yelr therelfter. <br /> the stile ~prOpriation· lubjecl to Ilmllltion. Such reports can be pre-SECTION 7. Section 14 tl hereby Ick~d to Arlicle XlIIB of <br /> pared It miniell cost. using existing information, Ind cln be milled toClllfornia Constitution: <br /> tlxplyera lions with Olher fix information. SECTION 14 (1~ FOr purposes of this Article. llxes led <br /> <br /> for tran·portat~on purpolel and Ihould be treated es uter fees This aCtthey are ·pproprialed for the purposex $pec~hed an Article <br /> properly trelM, them es user feel, lubject to the taxplyar pro(ect~onlihllJ be deemed user fees. <br /> preysdad by Proporation 13, without idverlely affecting olhef Ixjb~ic[b) Commencing with the 1~88-89 fisc·l year. the <br /> <br /> tO) Adjultmer~tl ere necelslty tO updlte the Ixtlting lpending to lhe areDuel Of revenues which but for subdivision (l) would <br /> limitltion tO reflect fhl rail growth Of Cllifornil's economy led theclISeihed Is proceeds of tues. <br /> neeall of Ill cltizenl, led eelhie tlxpayers to hold government <br /> Iccountlble for the prope~' enforcement of thil Ici. (c) In COmputing the Ipproprilllons lim;1 for the <br /> SECTION 3. Article XIIIS. ,Section 8(e) Of the CAlifOfnii Conltitt,Pfiscal year end lucceeding fiscal years· the approp,I~atlons <br /> the immediately prior fiscal year ihall he deterr'n,",ed tc - <br /> tide il amended to reid: IraDuet ot the Ipproprirhons had prior to the reduCtlOr! m~. <br /> SEC. 8(e) 'Coat of fh, tng' Ihall Nan the Cooluser Pricelubdiv;sion {b,~, <br /> G, evee4q4.Fme~ State ot Clfifornil as reported b1, the Derision 0f'Sutxlivis:on ll} would be CIIssd,ed is proceeds ot fixes' !' <br /> iI~lbor Stabstics led Research Or SuCcessOr Igency of the Stile ofonly those revenues which would have been generated by <br /> IhfOrn:l, provided however. thlt for purpoaei Of Sachen 1, theeffect It the t:ms this sect&on becomes effective <br /> change in the cost of hvmg from the preced:ng yelr Shill in noSECTION 8 If Iny iMcl:on. part. Ctause or phrlsa in th:s A, <br /> event ;;;;;~ de MS$ thin the Change in California pet clpltifor any resiDe held jovehal Or unconltitut;onal, the reel;of rig pc <br /> perlenil inCOme from se;d preced:ng year. of this Article Ihill not be IfflCled but Ihlll ramran m full force <br /> SECTION 4. Arl:cte XIII;I, Saclion 8(f} of the C.ellfornie Constitu-.effect. <br /> <br /> <br />