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<br />EXXIBIT C <br />Conditions of Approval - <br />PUD-15.15 <br />evebpminf plan) Ezhi bitA eon Ile wiblh }hesPlannalnq Depar}ymenl, tandras ImotliD/i d elreiny <br />he final develoDmenf plan shall reflect all of the following conditions and Include any <br />ltus}menfs that must be made to the preliminary development plans a result of adtlitianal <br />udvy <br />on TP atnnlnhyaCommisshon and Cify Couf ciL thelDd tact lshalPlai corporateraaPUbl edge elu <br />ad and sloping area Info the final develoDmenf plan In a manner so determined following <br />ch study, the Intent beany to Drovide such access/staying area In a manner which will have <br />Inimal Interference on the epDraved develoDmenf plan and which provides access only to <br />e City s Bernal Park (not a lulure EBRPD ridppeland Cark). <br />b. That the common open areas and areas outside planned grading within ycustom lots <br />tUVeiipgeNes)bwifha suPDO•bdrplp/bubb eralrrrp lion syslemfalthe timelhe ltllrsti nlatmapes <br />proved for a portion of the proleth that after gradln9, similar random plantings occur <br />ing streets and within lots in a pattern fo be approvetl at the time of any tenfatlve map <br />lading streets within the "bench" areas; and that Lofs 77 and 73, 76, SP-60, and 63.70 be the <br />f lots in the protect subdivided and offered for sale. <br />'. That because of the preliminary nature of the Drolecf ,a.. u._. ,__.. _ _ <br />Iding. Aral..,.. .u_ .___.__ <br />and Indemnify the Cify, Ifs officers and employees Iromgany cause ofoacUOn olr claim For <br />damage or Intury caused by the private roadways, or private utility systems, or Iheir <br />maintenance and upkeep, or caused by the party contracted with for maintenance services <br />and that the CC6R's shall make each homeowner chargeable for costs related fo responsibil- <br />ifles provided for In this condition; and that prior fo approval of the final development plan, <br />the developer shall enter into an apreemenf which, In the view of the City Attorney, appropri- <br />ately protects the City from landslide and subsitlence claims which may arise as a result of <br />building this pro~ecf don ayhlllsitle location. y <br />Lagunaln order fo determine fhetexecf almounlf of rdightlof--way alnd/orsimprovements thalwell <br />be netezsary In order fo satisfy the requirements of the Alameda County Floatl Control and <br />Water ConSlrvafion District - Zon! 7 requirements. If at the lime of the final analysis of the <br />channel If isdetermined thatadditional improvements are needed, then }he applicant shall be <br />responsible for an appropriate portion of these lufure Improvements as determined by stall <br />antl Zone 7, <br />- 5. That the final drainage plan shall address the need to provide natural seasonal flows of <br />water through the existing drainage chamlels that are to be retained ir. order to provide water <br />to the tlense vegetaflon lining these drainages. In addition, channelixed flaws shall be <br />engineered ss fo minlmixe any downslope flooding problems. <br />- 6. That the buildings in the development shall be a mazimum of two stories In height not to <br />ezceetl 35 ft. <br />7. That the final pradi~g plan shall Include details on the methods by which mu0 flows <br />potentially originatln0 in the Augustine Bernal Park shall be controlled, and, if such methods <br />are deemed unacceptable by the Clfy, affected lots shall be ellminataA ~.,.....e _._~_ <br />!. Thal ana n..., J...._ __ _ _ _. <br />amain on Ilse In the Planning Department for use as a reference. ~ <br />All proposetl fencing on the protect site shall be subject to approval by the Planning <br />Department. <br />