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EXNIBIT A <br />ENVIRONMENTAL <br />IMPACT FINDINGS <br />Potential Slgnilicsnt <br />1. Effect: Proposed residential develorpment oo D frt'otns of the site are potentially unsuit- <br />able for development. <br />Findingq: Contlifions of the prolect relating to additional geotechnical studies substantially <br />lessen this Impact. <br />Fact: Flnai development plan approval requires completion of further geotechnical studies, <br />as well as site specific soils analysis for hillside custom lass; no development allowed if found <br />"unstable." <br />2. Effect: Proposed streets and utilities traversing portions of the site with potential <br />unstable soils. <br />Finding: Condiflons of the prolect relating }o tolls and geotechnical studies will substantial- <br />ly lessen the Impact. <br />Fad: Condiflons No. Z and 10 require further yeolechnical and soils studies prior to Iinal <br />development plan approval antl Imyrovement plan approval by the City. <br />Finding: Alternatives to eliminating routing streets and utilities across these areas are <br />taeleliv infea<Ihla <br />racr: I ne upper Developable hillside areas can only be reached by traversing a portion of <br />the site designated potentially unstable. <br />Findlg: The City desires upperend and luxury housing like that proposed on hilly sites and <br />is wlllinp to allow such development when it meets a level of risk acceptable to the City. <br />Fact: The City's acceptable risk policy requires looped sfreets and utilities Installed to <br />minimize risks In hilly areas, requiring unstable areas be crossed but provided dual "leads." <br />3. Effect: Hillside development generally carries associated risks; even if constrained to <br />stable areas. <br />Fintliny: The prolect has been revised by removing the proposed townhouses, reducing the <br />overall risk by reducing the number of dwelling units in the hilly area. <br />Fad: The prolect was revised to eliminate townhouses on the hilly portions of the site. <br />Finding: Mitigation measures to remove alt hillside lots are infeasible dve to social <br />rnnetdarallnne <br />sires upper and luxury housing Ilke tliaf Groposed on hilly sites and is <br />levelopment when It meets a level of risk acceptable to the City. <br />mans outside standard fire response time In high fire hazard area. <br />sf approval substantially lessen the Impact of development in high Tire <br />. 13, 11, Y0, end p require mitigation measures be Incorporated In <br />acceptable to the Fire Chlel. <br />development in area with Insuificlent wafer disfrlDUtion/storage <br />of approval avoid the potentially significant effect. <br />70 requires the prolect to construct the wafer distribution/storage <br />serve the site. <br />approximately 500,000 cu. yds. In areas of potentially unstable <br />lessen the amount of grading. <br />val be withheld <br />ion from 0radetl area. <br />the potential erosion and sedimentation <br />racr: IsewseD Drolett nas eliminated considerable areas of grading. <br />Fact: Conditions of approval reyyulre revegetation, preparation of erosion and sedimenta- <br />Ilon DDlan IConditlons 1, 16, and Pd). <br />0. Effect: Changed view of lower Pleasanton Ridge from grassy benches/wooded areas to <br />Urban d!VlIODmeaf-fawnhmiuc n¢Inm reNwn..,.... .~ ,_ _ _ <br />,..e revlxa roles suostannany lessens the Impact o/the prolect upon the views <br />Pleasanton rl ge. <br />he townhouses, the most visible portion of the prolect have been eliminated from the <br />he most visible custom lots have been required to be xreened in a manner which <br />reening to proceed prior to conslructlon of buildings. <br />onditions No. 1, 9 and 2B require Iandxaping designed to hide visible development, <br />'ion with indigenous species, earlhfone colors, and tow level down protecting lights. <br />t: Creation of yyradetl slopes in short-term potentially extending over several years, <br />n lot builtl•out, which adversely affect view of lower Pleasanton Ridge. <br />ondiflons of the prolect substantially lessen the Impact of short term gratling on <br />Rs. <br />roled modlflcafion antl Condition No. 1 require the Introduction of lendxapin7 <br />to xreen custom lot grading and development In advance of that development; <br />No. ?5 requires cuts and fills blend with natural terrain. <br />nge of rural character along Foothill Road by Introducing urban development, <br />ear yard fences along right-of-way. <br />Alternatives to the prolect eliminating development along Foothill Road will 6e <br />ifeasible. <br />re City has long planned for development sloop Foothill RDad and the prolect site <br />:Ipated In sewer and water assessment districts In accordance with those plans. <br />prolect conditions avoid the Dossiblllty of unscreened rear yard lenses. <br />mditlon No. 2Z proscribes rear yard fences at the roatlway right-of-way. <br />