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9/19/2007 11:47:55 AM
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6/21/2007 10:52:59 AM
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Commissioner O’Connor said he was trying to understand cut-through traffic and where it is <br />going and when. If we were to put in Stoneridge Drive today, he questioned where the 50% cut- <br />through traffic would go within the city. Mr. Tassano said some of it is based on how much <br />congestion the city creates in the Hacienda Business Park and how our levels of service <br />decrease in the Hacienda Business Park. He said essentially, you have a straight west to east <br />in the AM where people get off on El Charro instead of Santa Rita and Hacienda and continue <br />along Stoneridge or West Las Positas depending on the congestion levels, and continue onto <br />Foothill and up to I-580 or south to I-680 at Sunol. So there is a feathering across in the <br />morning from west to east, with impacts to West Las Positas and Foothill. He said this is if it is <br />not at build-out. There is some dependency on the level of congestion they currently have when <br />they construct that roadway. In the PM, the majority of the traffic would be coming off of <br />Foothill, Hopyard or Stoneridge Drive before they become so impacted that vehicles cannot get <br />off, then going through the Hacienda business park depending on what the congestion levels <br />are to get back to Stoneridge. Once they hit Stoneridge, they continue onto the east and out, <br />either back through Jack London, onto the freeway, or up to the north onto Dublin and <br />continuing the journey through their cut-through pass or back to the freeway. <br /> <br />Commissioner O’Connor said it seems like most of the discussion surrounding the Stoneridge <br />extension is that we get relief from Valley and he did not understand why without Stoneridge in <br />place, we are talking about the Santa Rita, Valley and Stanley loop and why the loop would get <br />so bad without Stoneridge. Mr. Tassano said in the AM when congestion increases on I-580 <br />westbound, a large number of vehicles get off on El Charro. They drive down El Charro, <br />continue onto either Busch Road or Stanley Boulevard and that is where those increases are <br />seen. <br /> <br />Commissioner O’Connor said he was actually talking about today. Mr. Tassano said the traffic <br />is seen at that loop because the City is experiencing level of service D’s and E’s and F. In the <br />AM, they have a large volume of traffic that gets off to the east of Pleasanton either going <br />through Livermore or generating from Livermore. We only have the freeway and Stanley <br />Boulevard essentially as they go west from the east. If they are generated in Livermore, the two <br />choices are either the freeway or Stanley Boulevard. Using Stanley Boulevard, once you hit it at <br />Pleasanton, you either have the choice of going south on I-680 by cutting through Sunol. If you <br />want to go anywhere north and try to avoid the congestion at the I-580/I-680 interchange or the <br />back-up at Hacienda, you go up Valley to Santa Rita and then over and across through <br />Stoneridge. <br /> <br />City Manager Fialho said people are either heading to work in Silicon Valley all the way out to I- <br />680 or others are heading to the business park and beyond. In the PM, the reverse is <br />happening; they are coming out of the Stoneridge Drive road section, turning right on Santa Rita <br />and left on Valley to get home, or they are coming from the South Bay and getting off on Sunol, <br />cutting through First Street to get beyond Pleasanton into Livermore because I-580 is <br />congested. <br /> <br />Commissioner O’Connor referred to cut-through traffic percentages on the chart, with and <br />without the Stoneridge extension, and confirmed with Mr. Tassano that the percentage of cut- <br />through traffic remained the same on Valley and Stanley, but the volumes are very different. <br />Mr. Tassano said the volumes are decreased and the percentages remain the same, so the cut- <br />through volume will be decreased, as well. Mr. Tassano said on Valley in the AM without <br />Stoneridge there is 3,000; with Stoneridge 2,500. In the PM, there are 3,890 without <br />Stoneridge, and 3,300 with Stoneridge, or a 500 vehicle decrease. On Stanley Boulevard, there <br />is 5,200 without and 4,900 with Stoneridge. He said if you were to total all columns there is <br /> <br />Workshop Minutes 6 April 24, 2007 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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