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Mr. Brozosky pointed .out that there are seven categories where the City is asking <br />for a reduction to the rates. He asked if Pleasanton Garbage Services agreed with any of <br />these categories? <br /> <br /> Mr. Fialho said that Pleasanton Garbage Services agrees with some of the <br />categories. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico asked what would happen to future rates and the operation of the <br />Pleasanton Garbage Services agreement if the City's projections are way off and the costs <br />are higher than projected? <br /> <br /> Mr. Hutchinson said that if Council approves the proposed residential and <br />commercial rates, staff would meet with Pleasanton Garbage Services annually to review <br />the costs. In his opinion, neither of the projections are so far apart that in one year there <br />would be a significant problem, but it could occur over three or four years. He was <br />hopeful that the final audited costs would be available for 2004, which will show how far <br />off the City's projected estimates were in that set of numbers. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico asked staff if there is a current deficit and how it is addressed? His <br />understanding of how the rate system works is that the City guarantees that it will provide <br />enough revenue to cover the costs of operations so that the actual costs of the operations <br />effectively break even. If the ,City's projections are off and the costs are higher, <br />ultimately, when the accounts are reconciled and there is a difference, it becomes part of <br />the deficit year reduction. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fialho said that Mayor Pico's characterization of how the rate system works <br />is accurate. The City would have two options if it was faced with a deficit: one option is <br />for Council to approve an immediate rate increase mid-cycle, or as Pleasanton Garbage <br />Services has done in the past, it absorbs the deficit and at the time of the next rate <br />increase request, that deficit is. dealt with by way of a rate adjustment spread over <br />multiple years. The City and Pleasanton Garbage Services have never done a cost center <br />analysis. He believed that meeting with Pleasanton Garbage Services provides the City <br />an opportunity to figure out what are the real costs and to make midyear or mid-rate cycle <br />adjustments that could minimize the impact of future deficits. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico understood that new equipment for recycling was installed at the <br />transfer station within the last year. He asked if the increased efficiencies of this new <br />equipment and the costs have been factored into the rate increase, or is the cost of the <br />new equipment and the amortization of that cost to the City offset the reductions and <br />efficiency? <br /> <br /> Mr. Hutchinson said that the first year of operation of the new equipment <br />occurred in part of this rate application. Staff was able to see that that there was a <br />significant increase in revenues and it moved forward with those projections. There was <br />also cost increases and the costs were projected to relate directly to the new equipment, <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 16 07/20/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />