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proposal, as it would not change anything now or in the foreseeable future. The residents <br />do object to a proposal that would open the door wide to a significant zoning change, <br />especially when the Planning Commission will be meeting to consider changes to the <br />City's General Plan. The Verona residents wonder why Council would consider making <br />a substantial change to a particular parcel when the General Plan is already in the process <br />of being revised. On behalf of the Verona residents, she respectfully asked Council not <br />to approve this request. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico closed the public hearing. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman pointed out that the staff report indicates that Valley Care is <br />leasing the existing office building on site and Valley Care has an option to purchase the <br />existing building and approximately five acres of land, i.e., Parcel 23A. The 55,000 plus <br />square foot addition to the existing office building is no longer contemplated by the <br />applicant; however, Valley Care has expressed that in the future, it may apply for a small <br />addition (a few thousand square feet) at the rear of the building for cancer treatment <br />services. She asked staff to address any concerns raised by the neighboring residents. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift said that what is being proposed is to subdivide the 10.5-acre lot into <br />two parcels. As conditioned by staff, the two parcels would have shared parking, shared <br />access, shared landscaping maintenance and reciprocal drainage easements. He noted that <br />subdivision of parcels in Hacienda Business Park is very common. What were originally <br />developed as a three-building, 10-acre lot are now three and one-third acre lots with a <br />building on each lot, which is similar for any use other than a future office building, <br />which would require a change to the General Plan and rezoning. The speakers are correct <br />in pointing out that the Planning Commission will be considering at a workshop, <br />potentials for mixed use as well as other high-density residential development. The <br />Planning Commission and City Council will hold a joint workshop on June 29, 2004 to <br />discuss potential housing sites. This site was identified as one of those sites in the <br />housing element. He encouraged the Verona residents to attend the joint workshop, as <br />they would be given the opportunity to have input not only towards the General Plan <br />decision, but also whatever kind of residential land use might occur on this site. In staff's <br />view, this application neither furthers nor hinders it. This application simply places on <br />one lot the existing office building that is intended to remain and the number of parking <br />spaces that are necessary for this particular lot. He noted that five acres is larger than <br />what is necessary for the existing office building, and, therefore, Valley Care has <br />discussed the potential for adding a very small addition to the westside of the building <br />towards the creek. If this were to be the case, the addition would be subject to design <br />review and the entire review process the City requires, including noticing the neighbors. <br />The decision for what might occur on the remaining five-acres will be considered during <br />the General Plan review process. <br /> <br /> If Council decided to divide this property now, Ms. Hosterman asked staff what <br />recourse would be available to the Verona home owners if a residential project was <br />approved on the remaining five-acre parcel? <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 13 06/15/IM <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />