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Mr. Brozosky noted that the Tri-Valley Transportation Committee approved a <br />cost of living increase. He asked staff to explain the difference between the City Hall <br />Office Building and Civic Center Site Improvements Reserve and the City <br />Hall/Community Center Reserve as noted under Miscellaneous Projects, Appendix B. <br /> <br /> Ms. Rossi believed these were two different project titles that developed over the <br />years; one was long term and one was short term. Both reserve funds will be <br />consolidated into one fund. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked if the $1.4 million dollars that was removed from the City <br />Hall/Community Center Reserve was transferred into the City Hall Office Building and <br />Civic Center Site Improvements Reserve? <br /> <br />Ms. Rossi said yes. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala referred to the Capital Improvement Program Street Projects, <br />Appendix B, and asked if some of the funds from the Vineyard Corridor Infrastructure <br />Improvements Phase I would be placed into this fund? <br /> <br /> Mr. Roush said that out of the $5.9 million dollars that was expended, the City <br />received approximately $4.1 million dollars from the School District. The City will be <br />receiving additional funds from other developments in the Vineyard Avenue Corridor <br />area as development occurs. The only contribution that the City would eventually have <br />toward the Vineyard Corridor Infrastructure Improvements would be the contributions for <br />the park, assuming a park is ever built. <br /> <br /> Ms. Rossi pointed out that the revenue from Pleasanton Unified School District's <br />bond proceeds for the Vineyard realignment is about $3.4 million dollars. She believed <br />that a difference occurred in prior years, which would explain the reason for an <br />imbalance between the revenue and expenses. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala referred to the Capital Improvement Program Street Projects, <br />Appendix B, and asked for an explanation for the $2.3 million dollars that was adjusted <br />for the Dublin Reimbursement for Future Projects. <br /> <br /> Ms. Rossi said the $2.3 million dollars was received from the City of Dublin as <br />part of a reimbursement agreement. This line item is a placeholder for a project until it is <br />determined how to use these funds. She indicated that it is possible that part of the <br />money is included in the Fund Balance that was received in prior years and, therefore, the <br />totality of the project is being reflected. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala asked staff if the City was paying money to the City of Dublin for any <br />projects? <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan said the City was required to make payments on El Charro Road, <br />which was separate from the Dublin Boulevard project. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 16 06/01/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />