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Chrismans of any well rights as there is no nexus between the development and any negative <br />impact on the well water supply. The Chrismans have supported every staff reconamendation, <br />including the one that in the event the well production falls below ten gallons per minute, the <br />Brozoskys would have first priority to draw water from the well. Pursuant to the PUD, the <br />Planning Commission was required to establish appropriate criteria for temporary reduction or <br />cessation of the Chrismans' use when the well was not producing properly. The Planning <br />Commission failed to create any criteria. He said the only time a storage tank would matter is if <br />the capacity of the well fell below five gallons per minute. The Chrismans have already agreed <br />that if the capacity drops below ten gallons per minute they would get off the well. The storage <br />tank should not be an issue. He said the Chrismans and Brozoskys should have equal use of the <br />well for farm animals and agriculture. Alternatively, the Chrismans would accept the staff <br />recommendation that the developer provide a line with city water to the Brozosky residence, so <br />they will be on equal footing with the Chrismans as far as the availability of city water. He said <br />the staff report addressed issues of grading, dirt removal, retaining walls and the suitability of the <br />site for the type and density of housing. He reminded Council the PUD was a result of a series <br />of trade-offs, including the Chrismans giving up two of the twelve lots they were allocated in the <br />Specific Plan in order to make the PUD more workable. He also reminded Council it was <br />obligated to act in good faith under the Development Agreement previously executed. <br /> <br />Ms. Ayala thought that a storage tank was unnecessary. <br /> <br /> Mr. Happ agreed. The Brozoskys may want one some day, but he did not think it was <br />necessary and did not relate to the problem. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico asked if the Chrismans would be willing to pay for a 2,400 gallon storage <br />tank on the Brozosky property in lieu of running a water line to the property. <br /> <br />Mr. Happ said they would, and if not, he would pay for it. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico did not want the Brozoskys to have a significant burden and that the <br />Chrismans have the water they need for agricultural needs. He felt if the Brozoskys were <br />worded about an adequate flow of water, he felt the storage tank would solve that problem. <br /> <br /> Mr. Happ said the Chrismans were willing to work to solve the problems. There is no <br />problem with well production. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell asked if the Chrismans were willing to pay for the water line to the <br />Brozosky property?. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swirl said staff had suggested an alternative where a lateral line was mn to the <br />Brozosky property. That would avoid the Brozoskys' having to pay connection fees and having <br />to pay the local share of the infrastructure. If the Brozoskys were to tap the new water line to be <br />built in the school loop road abutting his property at the bottom of the hill, the line would have to <br />be much longer and would cost much more. He estimated a 2,400 gallon tank would be about <br />10' X 3' or 5' X 12'. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 10 08/19/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />