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Ms. Ayala asked if there were three shared wells in that area? <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift believed there were only two currently shared wells: the Chrisman/Brozosky <br />well and the Roberts/Sarich well. There was a shared well between Reznlck and Berlogar, but <br />the Berlogars drilled a new well which they use. The Berlogars may still have a legal right to a <br />portion of the Reznlck well even though they no longer use it. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala felt if the Reznicks or Berlogars sold their property, there could potentially be <br />new parties who could argue about the well. Since there are three different wells in that area, <br />and it seems to depend on who owns the land whether there are problems or not. She felt <br />problems will only continue if the wells are shared. She wanted staff to find a solution that <br />would lead to one owner of a well. She would like a program that would provide that if a <br />property owner developed their property, they would have access to city water and would <br />relinquish rights to the well, since they now have access to city water. She did not want Council <br />to have to resolve disputes between property owners about wells. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico felt the other wells were not part of this application. Council needs to move <br />on. The parties have had ample time to resolve their issues and have not reached agreement. It <br />is now Council's responsibility to make a decision. He felt there were options such as a water <br />storage facility or a dedicated water line for the Brozoskys with a separate meter. He related past <br />well issues that Council was able to resolve. He did not want to drag this out any longer. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell also wanted to take action. There are only three shared wells and he felt <br />Council could handle each on a case-by-case basis. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman wanted to resolve the well issue at this meeting so Council could go on to <br />discuss the development issues. She would like to discuss the two issues separately. It appears <br />the Chrisman/Brozosky well is on a healthy stream and neither party has ever suffered a <br />reduction in water flow. In the future both parties will be connected to city water when they <br />develop their properties. She asked how much a storage tank would cost? <br /> <br /> Mr. Swirl did not know the cost, but felt it was easily obtainable. It would also require <br />additional plumbing and timing devices for the pump. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico said there are thousands of agricultural operations that use this kind of <br />facility. If the parties have not discussed this, he felt they could do so at this meeting. He did <br />not want to wait any longer to make a decision. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell asked if the situation was alleviated any by the fact that the Brozoskys <br />were willing to grant the Chrismans an easement to the well. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift did not think so. The issue is the Chrismans getting access to the Brozosky <br />property in order to maintain the well. The electrical line is not within an existing easement. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 8 08/19/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />