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Ms. McKeehan indicated this information has been available for a long time. Staff is not <br />recommending that the policy be changed to take all intersections to LOS F. That is an option to <br />make the General Plan consistent, or Council could seek alternatives that deal with <br />improvements at certain intersections, or consider metering, or some combination of all of those. <br />What is at issue for this meeting is a discussion of the process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked what CalTrans process was necessary if the interchange is not to be <br />built? <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift said it is not necessary so long as none of the freeway interchanges are <br />modified. However, the West Las Positas Committee recommended, in addition to eliminating <br />the West Las Positas interchange, making changes to the Stoneridge interchange, plus studying <br />the West Las Positas interchange and then comparing the benefits of those two things, along with <br />modifications to the Bernal interchange. The key issue of the Committee was that it was not <br />obvious what CalTrans would approve. What was proposed as potential mitigations are non- <br />traditional interchange configurations. CalTrans will only officially comment on a plan if there <br />is a full PSR process. That process is much more expensive and time consuming and also <br />triggers the need for environmental impact reports because this is a federal highway facility. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan said this is the classic General Plan issue, in that if you make the decision <br />to have the West Las Positas interchange, there are certain consequences; if you take it out, there <br />are also consequences. You must decide what tradeoffs you are willing to accept. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swirl said one of the things the Committee suggested for the West Las Positas <br />interchange was an HOV lane only on and offramp. That is rarely done in California, but is the <br />kind of thing CalTrans will not give an opinion on without going through the PSR process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked for clarification that a citizens' initiative does not require an EIR. If <br />signatures are gathered and Council adopts the measure without going to an election, does that <br />still apply? <br /> <br /> Mr. Roush said there are two parts to that scenario. The courts have not expressly held in <br />that scenario that an EIR is not required. A case like that has never come before an appellate <br />court or the Supreme Court of California. What the courts have held is that in the context of a <br />citizens' initiative that was put on a ballot, that did not need an EIR, where conversely a Council <br />sponsored initiative did require an EIR. Presumably, a Council adoption of a citizens' initiative <br />would not need an EIR, but that has not definitively been decided. The other part of the citizens' <br />initiative is the concern about those changes keeping a General Plan internally consistent. If it <br />did not, it would be subject to challenge. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky said the initiative could be written to say it removes the West Las Positas <br />interchange, accepts LOS F until the next General Plan update, and that would make it <br />consistent. <br /> <br />Mr. Roush said presumably that would take care of the issue. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 20 03/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />