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he was not ready to make it work right now. He wanted to mm the metering on Sunol off at this <br />point in time. He believed metering at the on ramps to the freeway can work and he supported <br />turning them on, but did not want any off ramp metering at Bernal or any other gateway to town <br />at this point. He agreed it was necessary to look at the whole City as part of a General Plan <br />review. A city-wide policy needs to be decided upon and adopted. That is a much broader <br />discussion than a couple of neighborhoods. Again, he firmly believed that metering works, but <br />there is a price to be paid for it. At this point, he acknowledged that it works and it can be used <br />in the furore when necessary. With respect to the on ramp meters, he wanted to tell CalTrans <br />that the City was willing to mm them on for only a fixed period of time to evaluate the effect. If <br />it will not agree, then Mayor Pico felt Pleasanton should wait until the rest of the corridor agrees <br />to metering. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala wholeheartedly agreed with Mayor Pico's comments, especially with a <br />General Plan review and a review of the Circulation Element. We each live in a different part of <br />town. She said she listens to those who live in the Vineyard because they know the area. She <br />lives near Santa Rita and there are many more houses east of Santa Rita than at any of these <br />other intersections discussed. Traffic already backs up. There is too much traffic on the freeway <br />and too much in town. The State wants the City to build 10,000 more houses in Pleasanton. She <br />was convinced the traffic on Santa Rita will back up and affect businesses and all the residents <br />east of it because they will not have access to their homes. She felt as soon as the on ramp <br />meters are turned on, there will be hundreds of residents asking to have them turned off and the <br />City will not have the ability to do that. The meters on Sunol pleased some and angered others. <br />That will occur at every other place there is metering. This is not the time to do this. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico clarified that he was in favor of turning the meters on for a period of time as <br />a test, with the right to mm it off. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky agreed that he did not want to turn them on if they could not be turned off <br />later. He appreciated all the work of Mr. Knowles that showed traffic would flow, but he would <br />hate to be stuck with the meters if it doesn't work. He asked if the City Attorney had had any <br />discussions with CalTrans. Could there be a written agreement for a trial period of three to six <br />months? <br /> <br /> Mr. Roush said if that is Council's direction, staff would pursue such an agreement. <br />CalTrans will decide whether to provide that option. If the option is not provided, then <br />presumably the decision would be to not activate the meters until the rest of the corridor does it <br />at the same time. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan indicated the Public Works Director would be having those conversations <br />with CalTrans. Once the concept is clear, then the attorney's office would write some kind of <br />contract. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman felt this was an exciting concept that she would like to try at some point, <br />but she did not want to do it piecemeal. It does not make sense to do metering at one end of <br />town and not do it in such a way to get the benefit of the full effect. If people are going to be put <br />in misery for their commute home or in the morning, it ought to be for a meaningful purpose. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 22 02/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />
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