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the freeways flow better so drivers will stay on them. The City as a whole will benefit. Those <br />who reside near the entryways, like Sunol Boulevard, will be inconvenienced, but it is for the <br />betterment of the whole City. He supported continuing metering on Sunol, even during the rest <br />of the construction. He would not like those who have gone through the learning process to stay <br />on the freeway become retrained to get off the freeway again. <br /> <br /> David Lamont, 4974 Middleton, asked Council to discontinue metering on Sunol <br />Boulevard. It should not be taken lightly that 43% of the cars coming off onto Sunol Boulevard <br />are local residents. It is a big disruption to the commuter with a 40 minute commute who then <br />has another ten minutes added when arriving at home. He believed part of the solution to the <br />traffic problem is to look at the two types of traffic: local residents trying to get home and the <br />cut-through drivers. He believed the solution was metering the exits of Pleasanton, not the <br />entrances. If you let people in to town, the residents can do what they need to do. If you prevent <br />people from exiting in a timely manner, then those cut-through will suffer from the delays which <br />is what is happening now, but it is impacting local residents as well. He encouraged on ramp <br />metering but requested Council to mm off the meters at Sunol Boulevard. <br /> <br /> Anne Fox, 2866 Garden Creek Circle, said she lived dose to the Santa Rita/Stoneridge <br />intersection. She has always taken the 680/Stoneridge exit to get home and would continue to <br />take that even if there is no traffic on 580. She believed that if the on ramp meters are turned on, <br />there will be a back up of traffic on Hopyard, Hacienda and Santa Rita. It is worth a try when <br />Livermore tums on its metering lights. However, if that is done in conjunction with metering the <br />west/east bound traffic at Stoneridge Drive and Owens, it will canse gridlock in those areas. Not <br />only is there backups in the north/south direction of people trying to get on to the freeway, it <br />would also stop the east/west flow of traffic on Stonefidge Drive and Owens. That would cause <br />residents as well as cut-through drivers to turn into neighborhoods to avoid the traffic; similar to <br />what happened off of Sunol Boulevard. This would create a problem where there is none today. <br />If on ramp metering to 1-580 is activated, she asked Council not to meter Stoneridge and Owens <br />at the same time. She then referred to a "Pleasanton Weekly" article in September 2001 that <br />indicated 38,000 cars mm on to Santa Rita from either Stoneridge or West Las Positas. The <br />statistics indicate 30% is cut-through traffic, so that means 11,000 would be held up by metering, <br />but 27,000 would be Pleasanton residents. She did not support Stoneridge and Owens meteaSng. <br />She described the configuration ofi-680 with the southbound flyover to 1-580 and indicated the <br />two fastest lanes on 1-580 are on the far right. She believed it might be dangerous to put <br />metering on some of those intersections where cars would go from a complete stop to trying to <br />merge with fast moving traffic at Hopyard and Hacienda. She asked staff if it had considered <br />that. <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said it is more of a problem when twelve cars try to merge than for one car <br />to accelerate to merge with traffic. The biggest problem is when too many cars t~y to get in all at <br />once and a bottleneck is created. That is what metering would solve. <br /> <br /> Ms. Fox related her experience in driving to Silicon Valley driving from 680 on Mission <br />Boulevard to 880. There is metering at Dixon Landing and it is on the right hand side where <br />traffic is moving slowly. She reiterated the opposite occurs on 580 where the left lanes are slow <br />and the right lanes are faster. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 18 02/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />
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