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Ms. Ayala clarified that just because the traffic model works, it doesn't mean the traffic is <br />moving. <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles agreed that even when the model shows improvements on the freeway it <br />just means it is less "bad". <br /> <br />3. REVIEW OF TRAFFIC METERING ON SUNOL BOULEVARD <br />4. DISCUSSION OF EXPANSION OF TRAFFIC METERING TO BERNAL AVENUE <br /> <br />AND STANLEY BOULEVARD (SR 02:206) <br /> <br />Mr. Knowles presented the staff report. <br /> <br />Ms. Michelotti asked when the counts were taken for this. <br /> <br />Mr. Knowles said they had done travel time studies in 2001. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico clarified that the information on congestion was without any accident or other <br />incident on the freeway. He also mentioned the proposal of CalTrans to repave on 1-580 with <br />new long-life paving over the next ten years. That will create a whole new set of dynamics. <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said CalTrans will be tearing up the freeway from Foothill Road to the <br />Altamont down to the base and replacing it with a very thick layer of concrete that should last <br />fifty years. This is instead of the current process of putting down an asphalt overlay every five to <br />ten years. He proceeded with the staff report. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti asked how many people are diverted to Bernal but then take Valley? She felt <br />people will be concerned about that. <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles didn't know because in conjunction with the Bemal development, the traffic <br />signal was rebuilt and until the new system is up and running, they cannot count traffic. So they <br />don't know how much traffic is using Valley. The suggestion has been to maintain the two track <br />metering system and maintain the existing left and through volume entering town on Bernal. A <br />decision has not been made to increase volumes on either street, but to hold them at 2001 levels, <br />which were taken during the school time. He continued with the report. <br /> <br /> Robert Wright, 2538 Corte Bella, referred to a statement in the report that 34% of the traffic <br />comes off Bernal and asked how much traffic goes to Valley and how much goes to Bemal. He <br />felt most are going east, not trying to get to 580. What happens if West Las Positas interchange <br />is installed? The metering has stopped traffic at Sunol and moved it to Bernal. Then if metering <br />is established at Bernal, the next stop would be West Las Positas and that would spread the share <br />of traffic trying to cross town. He felt West Las Positas in the first portion of it is basically non- <br />residential. He asked if that would be beneficial and asked for that scenario to be run through the <br />model. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico said staff did not include the West Las Positas interchange or the Stoneridge <br />Drive extension to E1 Charro. That will be done at a later date. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />4 08/22/02 <br /> <br /> <br />