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Mayor Pico supported doing another phase of the test with safety enhancements. If that <br />means turning it off at this point or modifying it somehow to avoid the back up, he would <br />support that. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti asked if staff knew how to modify the timing so the backup will not <br />occur, or does it take the installation of the detector to guarantee that? <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said when the signal was first installed, it was simply responsive to traffic <br />and there was no queuing back to the freeway. It is easy to set the signal on normal operations <br />until a queue detector can be installed. We can avoid the CalTrans issues by installing the <br />camera on City property aimed at the off ramp. Just remember the traffic will increase on First <br />Street. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala wondered whether this system will fall apart after the increase in traffic after <br />Labor Day. She asked if the metering could just be moved to Sycamore. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico did not want to wait until there was a fatality or a serious injury before <br />turning off this metering. At the same time, we need to protect the neighborhoods. He asked if <br />there was a consensus on Sunol. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell did not think the metering had to be turned off. He thought the green time <br />could be increased and then consider moving the metering to Sycamore in the short term. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala asked if the most effective improvement would be to move the metering from <br />Arlington to Sycamore. Would that give the most results and take traffic off the freeway? <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said it may make the queue detection a non-issue. The fact that delay <br />entering the City has gone from three minutes to seven minutes may reduce the volumes. That is <br />unknown. Within a few days the metering can be moved to Sycamore to see the effect. If there <br />are still back up problems on the freeway, the metering could be discontinued. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico felt staff should be directed to see what modifications need to be done to the <br />metering test to avoid back ups to the freeway. If traffic is still backing up to the freeway, then <br />staff must decide whether to shut down the metering test until additional equipment can be <br />installed or make whatever adjustments of the lights am necessary. <br /> <br /> Ms, McKeehan asked if that meant staff continues to go forward and keeps Council <br />advised of its actions. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti asked if the metering were shut down until the detector is installed, would <br />that take a couple of months? <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said they have the equipment and could install within a couple of weeks. <br />However, staff has never worked with queue detection on the new hardware and there would be <br />a learning curve for staff to program it. He felt moving the metering to Sycamore could solve <br />the problem while staff is working on programming the queue detector. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />16 08/22/02 <br /> <br /> <br />