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Mayor Pico commented that it has always been his goal to sow as many seeds as possible <br />for youth programs. After listening to these speakers, he felt that these are exactly the kinds of <br />programs he wanted to support. With respect to the water polo, he felt the funding could be <br />granted by modifying the Youth Commission proposal to give the funds to the Parks and <br />Community Services Department to purchase the needed equipment for the water polo program. <br />He believed the robotics program was a fabulous way to enrich the children's school experience <br />and get them involved in science at a young age. He totally supported giving them the grant. He <br />realized Council had set priorities and policies, but he believed there had to be some flexibility <br />especially with regard to the Youth Commission. He was mazed at the amount of effort they <br />put into the allocation of the grants. He did not believe the Youth Commission was created to <br />have staff direct them in everything they did. He wanted to encourage them to be creative and he <br />felt they have demonstrated the value of allocation $20,000 for their funding recommendations. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala referred to the allocation of $7,500 to the Th-Valley Teen, Youth to Youth <br />Service Project, and the Volunteer Center of Alameda County which is to be spent for materials, <br />supplies, printing, postage and staff time. When she reviewed all these recommendations, she <br />wanted to be certain that the programs within the School District were working and that the <br />District supported funding the programs. She was very interested in the future of the programs <br />and the robotics and water programs would be the most interesting as compared to supplying <br />supplies and postage for others. She wanted to make certain Council assisted in reaching the <br />goals of the Youth Master Plan and she thought these fit in the Plan. She wanted to encourage <br />the Youth Commission to work toward the Youth Master Plan and to encourage other groups to <br />apply for grants to fulfill the Master Plan. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti was sorry all the grant allocations were continued, since there was a <br />question about only two of the recommendations. She believed these programs were great and <br />supported giving seed money for equipment. She supported having the Youth Commission come <br />to its own conclusions regarding the Youth Master Plan and to feel it has flexibility. She wanted <br />the School Liaison Committee to be informed and to provide feedback but she did not want to <br />create another layer of bureaucracy. However, she did think it was important to have guidelines. <br />With regard to the water polo organization, she was comfortable that the money would be used <br />for equipment, that the 501(c)(3) would be established, and that there is a treasurer and <br />volunteers for a Board of Directors. In the future, she wanted clear reasons to justify allocations <br />to an individual school, such as capital expenditures vs. on-going expenses. There are many <br />requests for funding and she hoped to have developed guidelines to make selection less onerous. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis asked her colleagues to stop and think before they direct people to set <br />guidelines, because Council had already set guidelines once. Council is considering buying <br />equipment for one club and others have been denied. She was very happy to see water polo <br />established, but she was not sure a grant for equipment was appropriate. She was concerned that <br />there are a lot of needs for other sports leagues that the City will not be able to meet. She <br />preferred to support the leagues by providing scholarships for the athletes that can't afford to <br />participate. That would take care of training fees and people would not be excluded because <br />they can't pay. The City can enhance its outreach to make certain people are aware of this <br />resource. She felt that was much more fair. The robotics program is also great, but the grant will <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />10 07/09/02 <br /> <br /> <br />