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Ms. Dennis asked how much input the School District wanted from the City on <br />the new agreement? <br /> <br /> Mr, Freiman said there is a famous saying from Frank Lloyd Wfight that ~'every <br />plan looks good on a napkin". The changes occur when the plan goes to the engineers. <br />There is no question the final Agreement will be longer once it goes to the lawyers. He <br />encouraged Councilmembers to express their ideas. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis asked about the legislative environment of the state and how that <br />changed the existing agreement. There is now certainty on housing units and there could <br />be a flux of population within that final number. If there is a major change in the <br />legislative environment that would challenge the certainty ofbuildout and the number of <br />children to be served, is there a way to come together again to address the question of <br />school facilities if there were things that might happen outside of the City or District's <br />control? However, she didn't want that to delay the construction officilities. <br /> <br /> Mr. Freiman indicated that was part of the 1992 agreement. A lot of what we are <br />trying to do in this Agreement is to take into account worst case scenarios. This plan is <br />intended to carry the District through the worst case. The concept is to carry us into the <br />future even if things change radically. <br /> <br /> Ms. McGovem indicated that al~er the Liaison Committee looks at the student <br />enrollment in January and reviews housing, we will discuss it at a joint meeting in March <br />and have public hearings. <br /> <br /> Neal Sorensen,427 Cabonia Court, indicated a major mason for moving to <br />Pleasanton was the schools. He was troubled that Council is being asked to approve <br />something that is still not finalized. He felt the notice to citizens in Pleasanton who arc <br />still in the development stages has been very short and they have not had time to fiscally <br />plan to pay the impact fees. He wanted Council to make certain fees are paid in full from <br />current housing and asked Council to do more investigation and to give more notice to <br />residents. He had mixed emotions about this agreement, but he did want to plan for the <br />schools. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala indicated Council was appmving the terms of the agreement at this <br />meeting and the School Board will then proceed with the drat~ing of the agreement. All <br />of this is open to the public. <br /> <br /> Mayor Tarver strongly disagreed and said the community has not been engaged in <br />this process. The terms have been so mystified that the community cannot participate in <br />the discussion. However, the community is concerned about quality schools and the <br />timing of construction. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti agreed the commtmity is interested in building schools and this <br />agreement guarantees schools will be built in a timely fashion. This has been going on <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 7 10/03/00 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />