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Counciiman Herlihy stated the City Council should reaffirm their opposition to <br />any expansion of the Airport, but not to safety provisions and improvements. <br /> <br /> Councilman Reid expressed concern as to being on record in opposition to in- <br />creased business of the Airport as a productive enterprise. He suggested that our <br />Liaison Committee advise the City of Livermore that we are opposed to the physical <br />expansion of the facility and the unnecessary increase in amount of air traffic <br />beyond a certain point but this should be investigated by the Liaison Committee. <br /> <br /> Councilman Kinney stated that his only concern was air traffic over Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pearson requested a presentation be made regarding this matter for further <br />information and review. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilman Kinney, and seconded by Mayor Pearson, to send the <br />letter as drafted by Roger McLain to the City of Livermore regarding the City of <br />Pleasan=on's stand on the expansion of the Livermore Airport. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilman Kinney and Mayor Pearson <br />NOES: Councilmen Herlihy, Mori, and Reid <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> Mayor Pearson declared that this matter be placed on the Agenda again for a <br />presentation and further review. Mr. Edgar was also instructed to communicate with <br />the Planning Commission requesting that they keep their Liaison Committee active <br />and continue to inform the City Council regarding the progress of this matter. <br /> <br />Memo ~rom the Citizens Advis.~ry Committee to the General Plan~ Re: Time Schedule <br />completion of the General Plan Elements and InpUt frpm the Committee Members <br /> Mr. Edgar' presented the report regarding this matter, stating that due to various <br />circumstances the Citizens Advisory Committee of the General Plan Review needed more <br />time to complete their study. <br /> <br /> The City Council approved the recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee <br />to the General Plan, as follows: <br /> <br />1. That new deadlines remain flexible to insure that comprehensive and detailed <br /> studies can be completed by the voluntary efforts of the Committee members. <br /> <br />2. That the City Council make a renewed effort to assure the citizens of this <br /> community that their e~orts on the General Plan Advisory Committee are <br /> particularly important to the City staff and City Council and to continue <br /> to seek and encourage a widely based participation on the Committee from <br /> all elements of the community for the remaining tasks to the completion of <br /> the General Plan Review. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pearson declared that items for which members in the audience desired to <br />speak would be considered in that order. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tim Tuveson, 3157 Camdon Court, President of the Pleasanton Meadows Home- <br />owners Association, representing approximately 550 homes, spoke in regard to the <br />Stella Beratlis application for rezoning on Santa Rita Road, stating that the <br />residents in the area were opposed to any increase in truck traffic that might be <br />generated if this application was approved, and asked if the property in question <br />could be annexed to the City for better control or an access road built to re- <br />lieve the truck traffic~ He was advised that land cannot be annexed to the City <br />against the approval of the property owner, and also at the present time the City <br />is unable to provide municipal services for any further annexations. <br /> <br /> Councilman Reid stated that the City Council is on record by a vote of 4 to 1 <br />that no further action is necessary relative to the application of Mrs. Stella <br />Berat!is for rezoning. <br /> <br /> !r was moved by Councilman Herlihy, and seconded by Councilman Mori, that the <br />City Council forward a letter to the Board of Supervisors, stating that as a <br />matte~ o~ information the City Council does not oppose the proposed land use <br /> <br /> 4. 8/20/73 <br /> <br /> <br />