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MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br /> The Director of the PleasantonPre-School stated this group needed a building <br /> in which to relocate this program, and she requested support and suggestions from <br /> Council relative to this matter. <br /> <br />.PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />Application of Joe Madden to rezone a 2 acre site located at 3851 Vineyard Avenue <br />from the RM-1500 (Multiple-Residential) District to the PUD-Residential (Planned <br />Unit Development-Residential) District and for development. plan approval for a <br />48-unit condominium complex to be located behind tinM duplex on the site <br /> <br />On the basis of an Initial Study of the potential environmental impacts of the <br />proje~t~ the Director of Planntn~ and Community Development has determined tha~" <br />the proposed project would not have any. potential significant adverse effects on <br />the environment and that an environmental impact report need not be preRa~e~.. This <br />Initial study is available for review at the Plannin~ Divisi0n~ 200 Bernal'Avenue~ <br />Pleasanton. Comments on this decision may be directed to either the Plannin~ staff <br />prior to the above meetin~ date~ or ~o the City Council at the above <br />noticed meeting <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report dated June 17, 1980, regarding this matter. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing open on the application and the <br />Negative Declaration. <br /> <br /> Mr. Joseph Madden, applicant, 3851 Vineyard Avenue, presented a colored drawing <br />of the proposed development and elaborated on the unit plans. He reviewed the <br />financing plans stating he would like to get government funding as well as private <br />financing for the project, which he felt could be a prototype of affordable hous- <br />ing in Pleasanton. Mr. Madden requested that Condition 3, established by the <br />Planning Commission, be removed, stating that this project would not significantly <br />cause adverse impact of the traffic on Vineyard Avenue as it would only generate <br />a 2% increase. Mr. Madden requested that Condition 6 be amended to show the pro- <br />ject exempt from the Residential Allocation Program because of the proposed sub- <br />sidized housing units, and to guarantee sewer connection, which would increase his <br />financing capabilities. Mr. Madden urged favorable consideration of his applica- <br />tion. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in opposition to this item. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing closed <br />on the application and the Negative Declaration. <br /> <br /> COuncil discussion ensued regarding the Residential Allocation Program exemption <br />on this project. Mayor Mercer instructed staff to prepare a report listing various <br />alternatives under the Residential Allocation Program with recommendations as to how <br />to handle an application consisting of 25% of the project being subsidized and 75% <br />being privately financed. The City Attorney advised that he would require a month <br />to complete this report. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr asked how a project could be regulated to remain as subsi- <br />dized or low income housing if there was a change of ownership. The City Attorney <br />advised that other cities were experimenting on this matter now, and that he would <br />include this issue in the above-mentioned report. <br /> <br /> 3. 6/24/80 <br /> <br /> <br />