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It was moved by Councilmember Mohr, and seconded by Mayor Mercer, tha= Resolu- <br /> tion No. 80-148, authorizing the City Attorney to formally request the County to <br /> provide defense in the law suit of Southern Pacific Transportation Company, et al, <br /> vs. County of Alameda, State Board of Equalization, et al, No. 282416, be adopted. <br /> The roll call vote was .as follO~.s.: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Kephart <br /> <br /> .Report Re: Methods of Enforcing Sign. Ordinance <br /> Mayor Mercer declared this item continued to the meeting of June 24, 1980, at <br /> the request of staff. <br /> <br />C. COMMFN. ICATIgNS <br />q~- There were no Communications presented at this meeting. <br /> <br /> coerce ca.m x <br /> ~r' Walker presented the Calendar for the Information of the Council. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated she had a problem in attending the Planning Commission <br /> meetings as alternate to Councilmember Kephart, along with her other liaison assign- <br /> ments. After discussion, it was determined that Councilmember Mohr would retain <br /> her present assignments and that Councilmember Wood be appointed as alternate liaison <br /> member to Councilmember Mohr on the Housing Authority Board and the Planning Commis- <br /> sion. <br /> <br /> Mr-. Walker scheduled a Sewer Committee meeting on June 23, 1980, 6:00 p.m., at <br /> the City wnl 1 Conference Room. <br /> <br /> EXECUTIVE SESSION <br /> Mayor Mercer' 'recessed the meeting at 11:20 P.M., to an Executive Session to <br /> discuss litigation. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer reconvened the meeting at 11:30 P.M. <br /> <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further business at 11:35 P.M., it was moved by Councilmember <br /> Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, that the meeting be adjourned to meet <br /> again in Budget Session on June 2, 1980, 7:3Q P.M., at the Fairgrounds Cafeteria. <br /> The roll call vote was. as follows: <br /> AYES: "Councilmembers Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Kephart <br /> <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br /> S R. WALKER, CITY" CLERK <br /> <br /> 12. 5/27/80 <br /> <br /> <br />