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Mr. By~l Willjams, member of the Transportation Subcommittee of the Industrial <br /> General Plan Review Committee, stated he was one who voted in opposition to the recom- <br /> mendation. He stated he felt there should be another roadway entrance into the Sports <br /> Park, adding that the park is not fully development yet and congestion will continue <br /> to get worse. He stated there is no provision for emergency access. He stated he did <br /> not feel it is appropriate to allow people into the Sports Park without alternate in- <br /> gress and egress routes. He stated he is not opposed to the development; only the <br /> recommendation made by the Transportation Subcommittee, adding that he felt the pedes- <br /> trian route is not the best alternative for the most people. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated that Council had appealed the design of Crocker Homes <br /> to review priorities for another roadway into the Sports Park. He stated he felt that <br /> another entrance somewhere on the easterly portion of the park would be more appro- <br /> priate. He stated he is hopeful that with input from the Transportation Subcommittee <br /> that a viable solution can be reached regarding this matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. Joe Callahan, representing Callahan Pentz, stated his firm has spent time try- <br /> ing to figure out a solution to this problem. He stated he felt it is dangerous to <br /> have a bike-pedestrian path located so near a busy intersection as the one at Hacienda <br /> Drive and West Las Positas, which will be a major city arterial when completed. He <br /> stated he felt that a better location can be found, and he urged that action not be <br /> taken on this matter tonight without additional information. <br /> <br /> Mr. Gerald Goudreau, 5451 Corte Paloma, stated he felt Council is moving too fast <br /> on this item and should let the General Plan Review Committee review the project. He <br /> stated he considered the four buildings being acted on tonight to be a significant <br /> increment of the overall Hacienda Business Park and their approval would be in viola- <br /> tion of the General Plan. He stated the original EIR is not an umbrella for the over- <br /> all project and the City Council should wait for the Committee recommendations. <br /> <br /> Mr. Dennis Salmon, Attorney representing Prudential Insurance Company, stated the <br /> original EIR was found complete and adequate, that this application conforms to the <br /> overall plan which has not changed, and that the original EIR is sufficient and legal. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Butler declared the public hearing closed <br /> on this item. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler stated that in response to comments from the audience, the Council <br /> does listen and consider input of every sort from the public. Further, the Council <br /> has looked at all the impacts of this project, singly and cumulatively, as part of <br /> the larger Hacienda project. <br /> <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding the recommendation of the Transportation Sub- <br /> committee relative to the dedication of land and construction of a bike-pedestrian <br /> bridge over the Arroyo Mocho. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mohr to approve the design of two industrial/office <br />buildings, totalling approximately 110,000 sq. ft. and related facilities on an <br />approximately 6.6 acre site located on the south side of West Las Positas Boulevard, <br />southeast of its intersection with Hacienda Drive in the Hacienda Business Park, sub- <br />ject to all conditions in Staff Report 83-321 dated August 1, 1983, and adding two <br /> conditions as follows: (1) that the developer offer to dedicate to the City for street <br /> right-of-way purposes, a 19 ft. wide parcel of land on each side of the west property <br /> line of the subject site from the Hacienda Drive right-of-way line to the south pro- <br /> perty line of this development; and (2) that the developer construct a bike-pedestrian <br /> bridge over the Arroyo Mocho. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler stated he would second the motion if Councilmember Mohr would amend <br /> her motion to remove dedication of the street right-of-way. <br /> <br /> 11. 8/9/83 <br /> <br /> <br />