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113 <br /> <br /> Policy on Banks in Downtown Area <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 83:265) dated July 15, 1983, regarding this <br /> matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. Michael Cardwell., representing Coast Federal Savings, Los Angeles, reviewed <br /> his letter sent to Council on June 8, 1983, requesting a waiver of Council policy so <br /> that Coast Federal Savings can sell its Hopyard Road office. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Wood, and seconded by Council- <br />member Mohr, that Resolution No. 83-317, maintaining Council policy established in <br />Resolution No. 73-34, requiring all financial institutions to first locate in the <br />downtown, and denying the request of Coast Federal Savings for a waiver to this policy, <br />be adopted. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br />NOES: Councilmember Mercer <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Brandes <br /> <br />Livermore-Pleasanton BART Extension Study <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 83:266) dated July 14, 1983, regarding this <br />matter, for the information of the Council. <br /> <br /> Mr. David Poo!e, 4117 Hazelhurst, stated he is opposed to BART using the railroad <br />tracks, which are directly behind his house. Mayor Butler advised him that Council is <br />on record in opposition to this BART route, favoring the use of tracks along the free- <br />way. <br /> <br />Report on Proposed Drainage Impro_vements in the Kottinger Avenue Area <br /> Mr. Warnick presented his report (SR 83:282) dated July 20, 1983, regarding this <br />matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. Dale Herrington, 251 Kottinger, Manager of Pleasanton Gardens, thanked the <br />Council and staff for their cooperation in this matter. He stated he concurred with <br />staff recommendations. He suggested the following improvements be added to the list <br />of things to be done: (!) toncrete obstruction be removed; (2) open channel to allow <br />better drainage; (3) cur~ inlet enlarged; and (4) curb inlet enlarged across the <br />street. Mr. Herrington stated he felt these corrections would improve and alleviate <br />the potential flooding condition at Pleasanton Gardens. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lee Willjams, 1560 Santa Rita Road, President of the Board of Directors for <br />Pleasanton Gardens, stated he supports the comments made by Mr. Herrington. He <br />thanked Council and staff for their support of these improvements. <br /> <br /> Mr. Warnick stated he has noted the suggestions of Mr. Herrington and will see <br />what can be included for the money that is available to be spent on this project. <br />Mayor Butler requested a report on this matter. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mercer, and seconded by Councilmember Wood, that <br />Resolution No. 83-318, directing the Director of Public Works to take the following <br />action: <br /> <br />1. Initiate the construction documents necessary to construct the following items: <br /> <br /> a. The storm inlet and pipe on Kottinger Drive as per the study recommendation <br /> No. ! ($22,000) <br /> <br /> b. Modify the headwall for the creek at Kottinger Drive to provide the necessary <br /> protection to contain the high flows within the channel ($3,000) <br /> <br /> 16. 7/26/83 <br /> <br /> <br />