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the specific informanon considered b.v the Owner to be conft- 10.3 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF BASIC SERVICES <br />dential or proprietat3'. The Owner shall provide professional <br /> 10.3.1 .An lnitial payment as set forth in Paragraph 11.1 is the <br />credit for the Architect on the construction sign and in the pro- <br />motional materials for the Proiect. minimum payment under this Agreement. <br /> 10.3.2 Subsequent payments for Basic Services shall be made <br /> monthly and. where applicable. shall be in proportion to ser- <br /> vices performed within each phase of service, on the basis set <br /> ARTICLE 10 forth in Subparagraph I I .2.2. <br /> PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT <br /> 10.3.3 If and to the extent that the time initially established in <br /> <br />10.1 DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE Subparagraph 11.5.1 of tiLLs Agreement is exceeded or ex'tended <br /> through no fault of the Architect, compensatKm fbr any set- <br />10.1.1 Direct Personnel Expense is defined a.s the direct vices rendered during the additional period of time shall be <br />salaries of the Architect's personnel engaged on the Project and computed in the manner set forth in Subparagraph 11.3.2. <br />the portion of the cost of their mandato~' and customa~' con- 10.3.4 When compensation is based on a percentage of Con- <br />tributions and benefits related thereto. such as employment struction Cost and an,,, portions of the Project are deleted or <br />taxes and other statutory emplovee benefits. insurance. sick · <br /> · otherwise not constructed, compensation for those portions of <br />leave. holidays, vacations. pensions and similar contributions the Proiect shall be payable to the extent services are per- <br />and benefits. formed on those pornons. in accordance with the schedule set <br /> forth in Subparagraph 11.2,2. based on ( 1 ) the lowest bona fide <br />10.2 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES bid or negotiated proposal. or (2) if no such bid or proposal is <br />10.2.1 Reimbursable Expenses are m addition it> compensa- received. the most recent preliminary esnmate of Construction <br />t,on for Basic and Additional ~crv~ces and include expenses Cost or dotdried estimate of Construction Cost tOr such por- <br />incurred by the Architect and Architect's employees and con- tions of the Prt}iect. <br /> <br />suitants in the interest of the Project. as identified in the follow- 10.4 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF ADDITIONAL <br />ing Clauses· SERVICES <br /> Expense of transportation in connectIon with the 10.4.1 Payments on account of the Architect's Additional <br />Proiect; expenses in connection with authorized out-of-town Services and for Reimbursable Expenses shall be made monthly <br />travel: long-distance communications; and fees paid for scour- upon presentation of the Architecrs statement of services ren- <br />ing approval of authorities having lurksdiction over the Project. dered or expenses incurred. <br /> Expense of reproductions. postage and handling of 10.5 PAYMENTS WITHHELD <br />Drawings, Specifications and other documents. <br /> 10.5.1 No deductions shall be made from the Architect's com- <br /> If authorized in advance by the Owner. expense of pensation on account of penalty, liquidated damages or other <br />overtune work requiring higher than regular rates. sums withheld from payments to contractors, or on account of <br /> Expense of renderings, models and mock-ups requested the cost of changes in the Work other than those for which the <br />by the Owner. Architect ha.s been found to be liable. <br /> <br /> Expense of additional insurance coverage or limits. 10.6 ARCHITECT'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS <br />including professional liability insurance. requested by the <br />Owner in excess of that normdAb' carned by the Architect and 10.6.1 Records of Reimbursable Expenses and expenses per- <br />Architect's consultants. raining to Additional Services and services performed on the <br /> basks of a multiple of Direct Personnel Expense shall be avail- <br /> Expense of computer-aided design and drafting able to the Owner or the Owner's authorized representative at <br />equipment time when used in connection with the Proiect. mutually convenient times. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 11 <br /> <br /> BASIS OF COMPENSATION <br /> <br />The Owner shall compensate the Architect as follows: <br /> See attached "Fee Proposal." <br />11.1 AN INITIAL PAYMENT of Dollars ($ <br />shall be made upon execution of this Agreement and credited to the Owner's account at final payment. <br /> <br />11.2 BASIC COMPENSATION <br /> <br />11,2,1 FOR BASIC SERVICES. as described in Article 2. and any other .services included in Article 12 as part of Basic Services, Basic <br />Compensation shall be computed a.s tbllows: <br /> <br />rhtsert hams of corapensatton. tncluaing stipulated sunts. multiples or percentages. (4t1{1 tdenti,~v ph~tces to u'btctl particular meth(~as t~! co~tt[lensalu~n al)p~v. q <br />necesSan'. ) <br /> <br />AIA DOCUMENT 8141 * OWNER-ARCHITECT AGREEMENT * FOURTEENTH EDITION * AIA® * reJ I987 <br />THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, I~'35 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20000 B141-1987 8 <br /> <br /> <br />