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57 <br /> <br /> Mr. Brandes commented that Castro Valley has close access to <br />existing BART stations. Castro Valley has about 50,000 people; <br />the number of residents and working population in the <br />Dublin/Pleasanton area are greater, which would mean greater rider <br />participation. It would be more appropriate to have two stations <br />in Pleasanton at this time and provide for a future station for <br />Castro Valley. <br /> <br /> Ms. DeMarcus stated that she also represents the people in <br />Castro Valley and that she has to look at the integrity of the <br />whole BART line. She said that going all the way to Livermore is <br />not realistic at this time but that she is working towards that <br />too because a station is also needed out there. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brandes inquired if the EIR had a careful explanation of <br />the need of a station in Castro Valley. <br /> <br /> Ms DeMarcus replied that Castro Valley was part of the <br />Measure B plan. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mercer explained that Measure B was passed throughout the <br />County and that one ballot proposal on Measure B was that there <br />would be a BART station in Castro Valley. So the matter comes <br />down to where the other station should be located. He stated that <br />having the station in West Dublin/Pleasanton or Stoneridge would <br />create traffic problems on Foothill Road as well as Stoneridge <br />Drive, the off-ramps and nine acres of parking. He suggested that <br />the station be built on East Dublin/Pleasanton or Hacienda. That <br />way, people who have to travel across the Valley from Tracy and <br />Manteca will not have to drive through the 1-580/I-680 interchange <br />to get to the BART station. This would also involve less traffic <br />mitigation expenses. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr concurred with Mr. Mercer. She said that she <br />perceived the end of line as one enormous parking lot. Having the <br />station on Stoneridge would seem prohibitive because of the <br />traffic problems it would cause. She concluded that she could not <br />envision BART functioning efficiently with just a single station; <br />but if a choice has to be made, it will have to be in Hacienda. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tarver agreed that the only logical place would be <br />Hacienda. <br /> <br /> Mr. Butler stated that the 1-680 freeway becomes a traffic <br />barrier anywhere in town. He agreed that the station should be in <br />Hacienda and emphasized that the recommendation for a second <br />station in this area be continued. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brandes reiterated his concern that two stations are <br />mandatory with a third one in Livermore. He suggested that the <br />City government, the BART Board and the Board of Supervisors <br />continue to find some funding mechanisms for a second station. He <br />stated that initially, Stoneridge was chosen to be the site of the <br />station because of the shopping center and the major corporations <br /> <br /> -23- <br /> 1-16-90 <br /> <br /> <br />