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Michael Goodwin, 1630 Vineyard Avenue, commented that after two years of the <br />General Plan review, the EIR process is just beginning. He submitted a request signed by the <br />majority of the property owners of the Vineyard Corridor to have the EIR address three plans <br />for the General Plan amendment: the property owners plan, the draft composite majority <br />recommendation plan, and the draft minority report plan. He also asked when he could connect <br />to City water. He objects to the General Plan recommendations regarding the Vineyard <br />Corridor. <br /> <br />6, PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br /> <br />Item 6a <br />PUD-90-01-3M, California Somerset Residential Development <br />Application for a major modification to an approved planned unit development to modify <br />the five-foot side yard setback requirement for five homes (3364 Hartwell Court. 3373 <br />HadSell Court, 3662 Annis Circle, 3666 Annis Circle, and 3682 Annis Circle) to reflect the <br />existing, encroachments of the homes' porches into the five-foot side yard setback <br />requirement. Zoning for the properties is PUD (Planned Unit Development) - Medium <br />Density Residential District. (SR95:225) <br /> <br /> Mr. Brian Swift presented the staff report. <br /> <br /> Mr. Pico asked why Planning Commissioner Barker wanted to remove 3373 Hadsell <br />Court from consideration of this request? <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift stated that at the Planning Commission hearing the only speaker was Diane <br />Turner who is the neighbor to that lot. There were many issues raised at that meeting, primarily <br />having to do with the drainage and whether or not the existing side yard setback for the porch <br />in any way would preclude a resolution of grading and drainage issues on both the Turner <br />property and the Grant property. Mrs. Grant also had left a letter that indicated that she was <br />not in support of the modification unless there was an easement granted, or some other <br />modification, to allow her to get around her porch into her side yard. Staff felt the 2 1/2 - 3 <br />feet available was sufficient to get access to her yard for maintenance. However, she has the <br />ability to work with Kaufman and Broad to either modify the porch or to work out some <br />arrangement with her neighbor for some type of permanent access easement. She had contacted <br />the City and advised that she will work with Kaufman and Broad to modify her porch, so it was <br />felt that the PUD modification would not be necessary. <br /> <br /> Ms. Mohr asked if these porches were part of the original approval. <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift replied yes. The porches have no problem on a standard lot; it is only on the <br />irregular shaped lots that a problem arises. <br /> <br />09/05/95 -7- <br /> <br /> <br />