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Ms. Michelotti stated that the analysis versus the changes is addressed in the current <br />General Plan. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rassmussen replied that the comments and alternatives by Council would be <br />evaluated, also property owners input, the minority reports prepared by the Steering Committee, <br />and the comments submitted by the Economic Advisory Committee, the Chamber, etc. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti asked about the extension of Rose Avenue to Valley. In view of the <br />feedback from the Alameda County Fair Board, it should be included in the anaiysis if it is not <br />a part of the General Plan. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis asked if there is an analysis of the types of programs that have made infill <br />sims competitive with virgin land development. In the commercial centers (where there are <br />vacancies and difficulties with filling vacancies), is there anything that can be done to assist <br />property owners in marketing their sites to reduce the vacancies? <br /> <br /> Mayor Tarver commented that staff is including this in the analysis and it is incorporated <br />in the report. If it hasn't been addressed in the comments or the issues that were raised by the <br />public, property owners, etc., to date, then Council would want to add it to the analysis. It <br />would be nice if Council were in agreement with the majority of the recommendations or had <br />direction as to what ultimately might be the vision so that staff can address it. There are a <br />number of issues that have been raised that require more information before any decisions can <br />be made. His goal was to see if anything is left out or if there are any alternatives that need <br />additional analysis. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis noticed in the Human Services and Community Character elements, that <br />"families" are not mentioned and would like it addressed. She referred to comments in the <br />minority reports requiring cost benefit analysis being required of new housing developments of <br />significant size, and she wanted that to be quantified. Will there be identification of potential <br />sites for all the items that were suggested to be encouraged, like production of housing for the <br />disabled? <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen stated that if it relates to affordable housing, and pertains to the <br />remaining high density residential land that is left in the City, the site will be identified. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis commented under Air Quality Standards, there is a suggested revision of the <br />policy to review projects for their potential in impacting air quality. She asked if that wasn't <br />done in the CEQA process. Is something more specific, or an analysis that the City does not <br />do now, being requested? <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen stated that in any environmental impact report, the air quaiity is looked <br />at in detail. In a negative declaration, the City would make sure that there would not be a <br />significant air quality impact. This reinforces the fact that the City reviews it because it is a <br />growing concern. <br /> <br />09/05/95 -18- <br /> <br /> <br />