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Mr. Pico felt that is the point when the Council goes to the voters to amend the General <br />Plan because of circumstances beyond its control. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tarver was not comfortable with all this speculation. You need to cross the bridges <br />when you come to them and not adjust for hypothetical situations. We have approved the <br />General Plan and set the housing cap and that is what we are asking the voters to approve. We <br />must deal with circumstances as they come up. If there is good cause to request voter approval <br />for a change to the Urban Growth Boundary, then it will be put before them. We are taking <br />care of today and tomorrow must take care of itself. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti said there is an effect on tomorrow. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis indicated Council is setting up the process for making decisions. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Mr. Pico, seconded by Ms. Dennis, to adopt a resolution to place <br />measures on the ballot regarding the Urban Growth Boundary and the number of <br />residential units at buildout. <br /> <br /> Ms. Michelotti did not support the motion because she felt the Council has voted <br />unanimously to do what the public is in favor of, including an Urban Growth Boundary and <br />housing cap. Unlike Napa, this is a Council sponsored initiative, coming from the top down. <br />This is not just reaffirming what the Council has done. In ten years time when another group <br />of citizens are ready to review the General Plan and to make changes, they should have the same <br />ability that other citizens have had. The Councilmembers are the elected representatives who <br />are supposed to make the decisions. After she voted with the rest of the Council to adopt an <br />Urban Growth Boundary and a housing cap, she is going to look at any application to change <br />that very carefully before making any change. That responsibility is not taken lightly. Ms. <br />Michelotti referred to the comments of Deborah Kleffman objecting to this initiative because it <br />is not from the people. For those reasons, Ms. Michelotti did not support the motion, but she <br />did support the Urban Growth Boundary and the housing cap that were adopted. <br /> <br /> Ms. Dennis stated that she has participated in sponsoring and gathering signatures for an <br />initiative. She referred to the ridgelands area that is now governed by regulations adopted by <br />a Council sponsored initiative which prevailed over a citizen sponsored initiative. At that time <br />she was disappointed by that outcome, however the reality is that the public has supported <br />Council sponsored initiatives and given that past voter action, she sees no reason not to put <br />something on the ballot that the citizens are in support of. She would not support this except <br />that she has received numerous comments in support of this action. She felt public opinion was <br />strong in opposing more than 29,000 housing units (which has basically been in the General Plan <br />for almost twenty years) and changes to the logical growth pattern. A major change in those <br />areas is a substantial change to the vision of the city and she felt the voters should be consulted <br />on that. It is good policy. Council is not asking for the voters to make minor changes. In the <br />future, Council will want to know what the new vision may be for the city. <br /> <br />08/07/96 <br /> -7- <br /> <br /> <br />