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3. Staff. Project Manager and Project Engineer for <br /> Consultant shall be Roy Fedotoff and Grace Chow, respectively. <br /> Consultant shall not replace Roy Fedotoff or Grace Chow without <br /> prior approval of the City. <br /> <br /> 4. Sufficiency of Consultant's Work. Consultant agrees <br /> that all maps, plans and specifications prepared for City shall <br /> be adequate and sufficient to meet the purposes for which they <br /> are performed. <br /> <br /> 5. Ownership of Work. All maps, designs, reports, work <br /> data, and all other documents completed or partially completed by <br /> Consultant in the performance of this Agreement shall become the <br /> property of City. <br /> <br /> 6. Term. It is recognized by both parties hereto that <br /> time is of the essence. Consultant shall begin work February 8~ <br /> 1988 . The work as described in Exhibit "A", Scope of Work, <br /> shall be completed by March 21~ 1988 , dependent upon <br /> weather permitting and City review time. <br /> <br /> 7. Compensation. For the services to be rendered <br />hereunder, City shall pay Consultant on a time-and-materials <br /> basis, not to exceed $50~000 , <br />based on rate schedule per attached Exhibit "B". Partial payment <br />shall be made on a monthly basis in proportion to the percentage <br />of work completed, upon receipt of Consultant's invoice and the <br />approval of the Public Works Director as to the percentage <br />completion claimed. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) <br />days of receipt of Consultant's invoice. <br /> <br /> 8. Changes. City may request, from time to time, changes <br />in the scope of services to be provided by Consultant. Any <br />change shall be mutually agreed upon between City and Consultant. <br /> <br /> 9. Consultant's Status. In the performance of the <br />obligations set forth in this agreement, Consultant shall have <br />the status of an independent contractor and Consultant shall not <br />be considered to be an employee of the City for any purpose. All <br />persons working for or under the direction of Consultant are its <br />agents, servants, and employees and are not agents, servants, or <br />employees of City. <br /> <br /> 10. Termination of Convenience of City. The City may <br />terminate this agreement any time by mailing a notice in writing <br />to Consultant that the Agreement is terminated. Said Agreement <br />shall then be deemed terminated, and no further work shall be <br />performed by Consultant. If the Agreement is so terminated, the <br />Consultant shall be paid for that percentage of the work actually <br />completed, based on a pro rata portion of the total fixed sum <br />compensation described in Section 7 herein at the time the notice <br />of termination is received. <br /> <br /> 11. Non-Assignability. The Consultant shall not assign, <br />sublet, or transfer this Agreement or any interest or obligation <br />therein without the prior written consent of the City, and then <br /> <br /> - 2 - <br /> <br /> <br />