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2722. (a) Whenever the application of the criteria specified in ~ection 272'1 results in the identification of two or m~re <br /> parcels of land that are essentially indistinguishable as to their quality, preference shall be given to the parcel on which <br /> exists the species that is more threatened or more endangered. <br /> (b) Whenever the application of the criteria specified in Section 2721 results in the identification of two or more*parceis <br /> of land that are essentially indistinguishable as to their quality and the degree of threat to, or endangerment of, the species <br /> existing on them, preference shall be given to the parcel on which exists the best example of the species. As used in this ' <br /> subdivision, "best example" means the parcel of land and the wildlife inhabiting it which, in balancing all the factors <br /> present, represents, as determined by the board, the stronger combination of all of the following: the better condition, <br /> higher quality, easier defensibility, greater likelihood of long-term viability, and the lesser costs to be incurred by the <br /> department in operating and maintaining the parcel. <br /> 2723. (a) Of the total amount available pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 2720, not more than five million dollars <br /> ($5,000,000) may be encumbered for any single acquisition project. In enacting this limitation, the people of California <br /> recognize that there are a number of important projects meeting the criteria of this chapter but whose acquisition cost <br /> would most likely exceed this limitation. Therefore, in these instances any acquisition cost in excess of this limitation <br /> may be met by a donation by the owner, donations of funds from private sources, or other funds from state or nonstate <br /> sources. <br /> (b) The qualification for or allocation of a grant or grants to a local agency under Section 2720 shall not preclude <br /> eligibility for an additional allocation of grant funds to the same local agency pursuant to Section 2720 of this code or <br /> Section 5907 of the Public Resources Code. <br /> 2724. (a) In choosing among two or more parcels of land to be acquired, enhanced, restored, or protected with funds <br /> available pursuant to subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 2720, preference shall be given to acquiring, enhancing, restoring, <br /> or protecting the parcel that will result in the least cost to the department for operating and maintaining the land. <br /> (b) Funds available pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 2720 may be encumbered only for lands which <br /> constitute habitat that is subject to destruction, drastic modification, or significant curtailment of habitat values. <br /> 2725. No funds available pursuant to this chapter shall be encumbered for any lands that, due to their degraded <br /> character, will not sustain plants or wildlife or will not afford protection to a natural community on a long-term basis. <br /> 2726. With respect to any lands which may be acquired, enhanced, restored, or protected with funds under this chapter <br /> and which could also be eligible for funds under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 2600), funds under this chapter <br /> shall not be encumbered for those lands until it is determined by the Wildlife Conservation Board that funds are not likely <br /> to be available for those lands under that Chapter 7. <br /> 2727. No funds available for appropriation under this chapter may be encumbered for any purpose described in Section <br /> 1353 of the Fish and Game Code. <br /> 2728. An annual amount, not to exceed three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($350,000) may be appropriated from <br /> the fund in the 1988-89 through 1998-99 fiscal years, in an amount to be determined in each annual appropriation, to <br /> the Wildlife Conservation Board for expenditure for costs incurred by the board and the department in administenng <br /> this chapter, including, but not limited te, preacquisition studies, planning, appraisals, surveys, and closing costs. The <br /> Wildlife Conservation Board and the department may augment, as needed, any mount thus appropriated with any funds <br /> appropriated to it from any other source. <br /> 2729. (a) For the purpose ofadministering this chapter, the Wildlife Conservation Board and the Department of Fish <br />and Game shall augment its existing staff, whenever possible, by contracting for those services necessary for the admin- <br />istration of this chapter. Any contract shall, however, be entered into only pursuant to Sections 19130 to 19132, inclusive, <br />of the Government Code and shall be only for the minimum period necessary for completion of the particular project or <br />projects for which the contract was entered into. <br /> (b) Due to the limited duration of the program authorized by this chapter, in the event some services cannot be provided <br />by contract, any personnel directly hired by the Wildlife Conservation Board for the administration of this chapter shall <br />be hired, to the extent permitted by Article 2 (commencing with Section 190801 of Chapter 6 of Part 2 of Division 5 of Title <br />2 of the Government Code, as limited-term appointments. <br /> SEC. 4. (a) If the people of California approve a bond act, other than this act, at either the Direct Primary Election <br />on June 7, 1988, or the General Election on November 8, 1988, which includes at least one hundred sixty-five million <br />dollars ($165,000,000) for the purposes specified in subdivision (a) of Section 5907 of the Public Resources Cede, as proposed <br />by this act, subdivision (a) of Section 5907 of the Public Resources Code, as proposed by this act, shall not become operative. <br />That subdivision shall otherwise become operative on November 9, 1988. The Legislature may appropriate funds pursuant <br />to subdivision (a) of Section 5907 in the Budget Act for the 1988-89 fiscal year if those provisions become operative. <br /> (b) If the people of California approve a bond act, other than this act, at either the Direct Primary Election on June <br />7, 1988, or the General Election on November 8, 1988, which includes at least fifty-five million dollars ($55,000,000) for <br />the purposes specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 5907 of the Public Resources Code, as proposed by <br />this act, paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 5907 of the Public Resources Code, as proposed by this act, shall not <br />become operative. That paragraph shall otherwise become operative on November 9, 1988. The Legislature may appro- <br />priate funds pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 5907 in the Budget Act for the 1988-89 fiscal year if <br />those provisions become operative. <br /> (c) If the people of Califorma approve a bond act, other than this act, at either the Direct Primary Election'on June <br />7, 1988, or the General Election on November 8, 1988, which includes at least thirty million dollars ($30,000,000) for the <br />purposes specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 5907 of the Public Resources Code. as proposed by this <br />act, paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 5907 of the Public Resource Code. as proposed by this act, shall not become <br />operative. That paragraph shall otherwise become operative on November 9, 1988. The Legislature may appropriate <br />funds pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 5907 in the Budget Act for the 1988-89 fiscal year if those <br />pro'~isions become operative. <br /> (d) If the people of California approve a bond act, other than this act. at either the Direct Primary Election on June <br />7, 1988, or the General Election on November 8. 1988. which includes at least thirty million dollars I$~0,000.000) for the <br />purposes specified in paragraph (4) of subdivision (e) of Section 5907 of the Publi~ Resources Code, as proposed by this <br />act, paragraph (4)of subdivision (e) of Section 5907 of the Public Resources Code, as proposed by this act, shall not become <br />operative. That paragraph shall otherwise become operative on November 9, 1988. The Legislature may appropriate <br />funds pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (e) of Section 5907 in the Budget Act for the 1988-89 fiscal year if those <br />provisions become operative. <br /> (e) If the people of California approve a bond act, other than this act, at either the Direct Primary Election on June <br />7, 1988, or the General Election on November 8, 1988, which includes at least fifty million dollars ($50,000,000} for the <br />purposes specified in Chapter 7.5 I commencing wi ~b Seerich 2709) of Divisior-. 3 of th~ Fish and Game Code, as proposed <br />by thin act, Chapter 7.5 (commencing with Section 2t~ 00) of Division 3 of the Fish and Game Code, as proposed by this <br />act, shall not become operative. That chapter shall otherwise become operative on November 9, 1988. The Legislature <br />may appropriate funds pursuant to Chapter 7.5 (commencing with Section 2700) of Division 3 of the Fish and Game Code <br />in the Budget Act tbr the 1988-89 fiscal year if those provisions become operative. <br /> SEC. 5. If any provision of this act or the application thereof is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other <br />provisions or applications of the initiative which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to <br />this end the provisions of this initiative are severable. <br /> SEC. 6. The Legislature may amend this act, by statute passed in each house of the Legislature by rollcall vote <br />entered in the journal, two-thirds of the membership concurring, if the statute is consistent with the purposes of this act. <br />However, no allocation of funds may be reallocated except in accordance with Sections 5919 and 5922 of the Public Re- <br />sources Code. No changes shall be made in the way in which funds are appropriated pursuant to Sections 5907 and 5921 <br />of the Public Resources Code. <br /> <br /> <br />