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privacy fencing be allowed at the Westridge project so long as it was not located in a required <br />yard. At the tune the Westridge project was reviewed, some Commissioners expressed concerns <br />about any solid fencing at this development (See Exhibit C). While the developer is allowed to <br />install soiree limited privacy fencing outside of the required yard areas, it is requesting to install <br />some solid fencing in the required yards of some lots to provide privacy primarily in bathrooms <br />and bedrooms in the development. For this reason, the developer has applied for a PUD major <br />modification to allow solid fencing in soiree required yards. The PUD major modification <br />application is now before the City Council for review and action. <br />In 2000, the Council indefinitely continued the comprehensive review of the proposed changes to <br />the WFRCOD. Consequently, the Commission's proposed open fencing regulations for the <br />district were not approved. The WFRCOD fencing regulations currently state the following: <br />"All lots open fencing shall be required, except that solid, privacy fencing may be <br />allowed in areas of a lot not within required yard areas if screened by <br />landscaping." <br />Since the Westridge subdivision is in a PUD, it is not required to strictly adhere to the regulations <br />of the WFRCOD. However, as indicated above, throughout its inception, this project has been <br />encouraged to meet the spirit of the regulations. . <br />Site Description <br />The site is located on the west side of Foothill Road; 12 homes are approved on the <br />approximately seven-acre parcel. The applicant has installed open fencing on all of the lots. At <br />the time this report was written, only one of the twelve lots had been sold, and this lot is not one <br />of the lots with a proposed fence change. <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />The application is a PUD major modification proposal to modify condition of approval #13 of <br />case PUD-99-O1, as shown below: <br />"13. Fencing over six (6) ft. in height shall not be allowed on Lots 1-12. Side and <br />rear yard fencing on Lots 1-12 shall conform to the fencing plan submitted <br />in Exhibit A. On Lots 1-12, solid privacy fencing is not allowed, except <br />when it is not located in a required yard and it is screened by landscaping. <br />On Lots 1-12, fencing shall not be allowed between the front of the home <br />and the property line except for low open fences thirty (30) inches or less in <br />height." <br />SR 05:132 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />