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In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Maas, Ms. Sorensen noted there would be no <br />problem continuing communication with the developer relating to concerns that she has voiced. <br />Mr. Lemoine addressed Ms. Sorensen's concerns and stated that his understanding is that the <br />existing access to property will be closed off and that the easement will be removed; however, <br />she will have the ability to connect onto her property through the new private road. <br />Mr. Swift noted that the street Ms. Sorensen will utilize is the private road that branches off the <br />public street and he provided an overview of the location of the new private road. Further, he <br />stated that Ms. Sorensen will be provided a new easement over the portion of road where it <br />intersects with the current easement. <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED <br />Commissioner Maas and Chairperson Roberts disclosed that they have met with the developer. <br />Discussion ensued relating to street lighting and retaining the rural nature of the area, ways in <br />which to ensure dedication of the Lemoine property, and a possible timeline for dedication of <br />the one-acre parcel of land. <br />Mr. Plucker noted that the current conditions require the one-acre to be dedicated in conjunction <br />with the approval of the Tentative Map; however, if the applicant is amenable, there could be <br />specific findings made in conjunction with approval of this PUD application that one-acre should <br />be considered ,for a future amenity to satisfy a future PUD development plan type of approval. <br />Commissioner Maas noted that as part of the same condition as a compromise that the Park <br />District and the applicant work out some type of time frame for dedication of the one acre. <br />There is considerable discussion relating to utilizing the one-acre donation as a future amenity <br />credit. <br />PUBLIC HEARING WAS REOPENED <br />Mr. Lemoine readdressed the Commission and noted that if he understands correctly, he would <br />not have a problem with the one-acre being a future amenity. However, he reiterated that he <br />desired to build three homes for his children and an additional three units on the property. <br />Further, he noted that if the City provided assurance that the remaining acreage can be utilized to <br />build those units, he would be willing to reach a compromise at this time. He noted that his <br />concern is that he would donate that acreage and the City would decide building cannot be <br />performed. Further, he stated that he would be willing to donate more land than the one-acre and <br />that he views the donation of the land as an amenity. He noted that even with the additional units, <br />the property is still below the number of units provided by annexation. <br />Chairperson Roberts noted that the City cannot provide any guarantees. Commissioner Maas <br />stated she would desire that Mr. Lemoine work with the Park District to reach a compromise on a <br />timeframe for dedication of the acreage. In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Sullivan, <br />Mr. Lemoine stated that the one-acre dedication is based on developing the other lots sometime <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, September 8, 1999 Page 3 of 6 <br />