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($10,000) for the two City street trees along the Main Street frontage of the site. <br />This cash bond or security shall be retained for one year following completion of <br />construction and shall be forfeited if the trees are removed, destroyed, or <br />disfigured. For trees that are removed, destroyed, or disfigured during <br />construction, the applicant shall pay a fine in the amount equal to the appraised <br />value of the subject tree. If the fine based on the appraised value of the tree(s) <br />exceeds the bond amount, the applicant shall pay the difference between the <br />bond and the appraised value of the subject tree(s). <br /> <br />38. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City, approved by the City <br />Attorney, which guarantees that all landscaping installed as part of this project <br />will be maintained at all times in a manner consistent with the approved <br />landscape plan for this development. Said agreement shall run with the land for <br />the duration of the existence of the structures located on the property. <br /> <br />39. Prior to construction, the applicant shall enter into a license agreement with the <br />City for the balcony encroachment into the City right of way, the language of <br />which shall be subject to the review and approval by the City Attorney. <br /> <br />40. Prior to installation of any signs, a comprehensive sign program shall be <br />submitted for sign design review by the Planning Director. Said sign program <br />shall include the specific details for each sign (i.e., colors, materials, illumination, <br />location, sign text, dimensions, etc.). The sign program shall be consistent with <br />the regulations of the Downtown Revitalization District and the Downtown Design <br />Guidelines. <br /> <br />41. The building permit plans shall accurately show all existing public improvements <br />near the subject development (i.e., Main Street street lights, signs, utility vaults <br />and boxes, bicycle racks, benches, planter pots, street trees, tree grates, etc.) <br />and shall clearly indicate any proposed modifications to the existing public <br />improvements. Proposed modifications to the public improvements shall be <br />subject to review and approval by the City Engineer and Planning Director prior <br />to issuance of a building permit. <br /> <br />42. Restaurant tenants shall include a contained area for cleaning mats, containers, <br />and equipment on the site plan. The wash area shall be covered or shall be <br />designed to prevent runoff onto or from the area. The area shall be connected to <br />the sanitary sewer, subject to approval by DSRSD, or shall be collected in a <br />containment area and removed regularly by a disposal and recycling service. If <br />connected to the sanitary sewer, a structural control such as a sand filter or oil/ <br />water separator shall be used, and a sign shall be posted prohibiting the dumping <br />of hazardous materials. Other methods may be used subject to the approval of <br />the Chief Building Official. The restaurant owner shall instruct employees to <br />conduct all washing activities in this area. <br /> <br /> 8 <br /> <br />