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10. That all utilities required to serve the development <br />shall be installed underground. <br />11. That the applicant enter into an agreement with the <br />City, approved by the City Attorney, which guarantees <br />that all landscaping included in this project will <br />be maintained at all times in a healthful, attractive <br />and weedfree manner. Said agreement shall run with the <br />land for the duration of the existence of the structures <br />located on the subject property. <br />12. That all dwelling units in the development be constructed <br />to meet the latest P.G.&E. Energy Conservation Home <br />Standards. <br />13. That the following water conserving plumbing fixtures <br />be installed: a) low flush water closets; b) shower <br />flow control heads; c) aerators in interior faucets; <br />and d) insulation of hot water lines. <br />14. That the applicant be aware that design review approval <br />lapses within one year unless a building permit is issued <br />_ and construction has commenced and is diligently pursued <br />toward completion or an extension has been requested from <br />the City. <br />15. That the developer acknowledges that the City of Pleasanton <br />does not guarantee the availability of sufficient sewer <br />capacity to serve this development by the approval of <br />this case, and that the developer agrees and acknowledges <br />that building permit approval may be withheld if sewer <br />capacity is found by the City not to be available. <br />16. That the location of any pad mounted transformers shall <br />be subject to approval by the Planning Division prior to <br />issuance of a building permit. Generally speaking such <br />transformers shall not be located between any street and <br />the front of a building. <br />17. That all buildings and/or structures must comply with all <br />codes and ordinances in effect at the time required permits <br />are issued by the Building Division. <br />18. That the development shall meet all requirements of the <br />Pleasanton Fire Code. <br /> <br />