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47. That approval of the storm drainage system be withheld <br />pending final design and until the developer has demonstrated <br />to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the system is <br />adequate, connects to an approved point of discharge, meets <br />any and all applicable requirements of the Alameda County. <br />Flood Control District - Zone 7, meets any and all applicable <br />requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Flood <br />Hazard Program, and meets the immediate and long-range <br />requirements of this development and all upstream areas <br />intended to be drained through this development. <br />48. That electric power distribution, gas distribution, <br />communication service, and any required alarm systems be <br />installed underground in a joint utility trench unless <br />otherwise specifically approved by the City Engineer. <br />49, That the developer be responsible for the installation of the <br />street lighting system serving the development. The street <br />lights shall be 70 watt, high pressure sodium vapor units <br />mounted on galvanized steel poles with poured in place bases, <br />on the LS-1C schedule per City requirements and P.G.&E. <br />standard details unless otherwise specifically approved. <br />Approval for the number, location, and type of electroliers <br />shall be withheld pending final design and review by the <br />City Engineer. <br />50, That this development provide a safe and effective circulation <br />system for bicycles and pedestrains. These facilities <br />shall be designed and installed to the satisfaction of the <br />City Engineer and shall be separated from vehicular traffic <br />whenever possible, <br />51. That the developer submit detailed landscape and irrigation <br />plans as part of the improvement plans, These plans should <br />include, where applicable, a street tree planting plan and <br />landscape plans for medians, buffer strips, and any right-of-way <br />landscape areas. The irrigation plan shall provide for <br />automatic controls. <br />52. That any damage to street improvements now existing or done <br />during construction on the subject property be repaired to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer at full expense to the <br />developer. This shall include slurry seal, overlay, or <br />street reconstruction if deemed warranted by the City <br />Engineer. <br />53. That the developer's contractor. (s) obtain an encroachment permit <br />from the City Engineer prior to the start of construction. <br />54. That the developer install street trees as required per <br />ordinance. <br />