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23. That in-lieu park dedication fees be collected by <br />the City prior to approval of the final map at the <br />rate then in effect and for the total number of <br />lots in the final map, unless this requirement <br />has been otherwise satisfied. <br />24. That any existing assessment district, which the <br />property may be subject to, be cleared prior to <br />the approval of the final map or the developer <br />will cause a segregation to be completed in <br />conjunction with the final map. <br />25. That the developer submit a refundable cash bond <br />for hazard control prior to approval of the final map. <br />The amount of this bond will be determined by the <br />City Engineer. (Approximately $100 per lot - <br />$2500 minimum.) <br />26. That this development provide a safe and effective <br />circulation system for bicycles; pedestrians; and <br />where applicable, equestrians. These facilities <br />shall be designed and installed to the satisfaction <br />of the City Engineer and shall be separated from <br />vehicular traffic whenever possible. <br />27. That the developer submit detailed landscape and <br />irrigation plans as part of the improvement plans. <br />These plans should include a street tree planting <br />plan; landscape plans for medians, buffer strips, <br />and any right-of-way landscape areas; and an <br />irrigation plan with automatic controls. <br />-4- <br />