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~ RES. 2156 <br />EXHIBIT "A" CASE PUD-82-1 <br />1. That the development shall be substantially as shown <br />qn the development plan, Exhibit A, for case PUD-82-1 <br />on file with the Planning Division. <br />2. Building number 130 was originally approved in a differ- <br />ent configuration than as shown on the development plan <br />for case PUD-82-1. Approval of the development plan for <br />case PUD-82-1 supercedes the original approval (PUD-80-14) <br />for building number 130. <br />3. The maximum building floor area ratio for a specific site <br />shall be 408 while the overall building floor area <br />ratio of all structures on the subject property shall <br />be a maximum of 338. in order to ensure that the <br />overall ratio of 338 is not exceeded, cumulative data <br />shall be submitted with each design review application <br />showing how each building relates to that maximum 33~ <br />figure, i.e. a running total shall be kept showing <br />gross square footage approved and the amount of square <br />footage remaining until the overall 33~ coverage figure <br />is reached. <br />4. That the development shall meet all requirements of the <br />City Fire Code. <br />5. That sihce the subject property will be subdivided with <br />some of the lots eventually sold, the ordinance approving <br />case PUD-82-1 or an abstract thereof shall be recorded <br />so that all future owners are apprised of the obligations <br />attached to the property. <br />6. That in order to maintain existing levels of fire service <br />per general plan policies, the developer shall enter into <br />an agreement to fund or participate in the funding of <br />fire service requirements necessitated by the subject <br />project and other proposed major commercial/industrial <br />projects; that the project shall be constructed in such <br />a way as to minimize fire hazards; and that the developer <br />shall agree to participate in the financing of the <br />Necessary fire apparatus and manpower to serve this <br />project as well as other mutual projects while main- <br />taining existing city-wide levels of fire service. The <br />level of any participation in the latter shall take <br />into consideration the project's contribution toward <br />City services generally, including fire services. The <br />agreement shall be entered into prior to issuance of <br />~' a building permit. <br />