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15.28.100 <br />ment of additional costs incurred as a <br />result of said discharges. (Ord. 1082 § 2, <br />1983; Prior Code § 2-15.40.10) <br />15.28.110 Specific User Limitations: <br />In addition to the limitations upon the <br />chazacteristics or quantity of wastewater <br />dischazged, caused to be dischazged or <br />permitted to be dischazged into the sewer- <br />age system pursuant to this chapter, the <br />director may, in connection with the <br />issuance of permits pursuant to the provi- <br />sions of this chapter, establish additional <br />specific limitations on wastewater dis- <br />charges upon a finding by the director <br />that: <br />A. The limitations set forth in this <br />chapter may not be sufficient to protect <br />the operation of the city's sewerage sys- <br />tem, district treatment facilities, or any <br />portion thereof, or the waste or <br />wastewater proposed to be dischazged <br />otherwise constitutes a hazazd to, or un- <br />reasonable burden upon, such operation; <br />or <br />B. The limitations expressly set forth in <br />this chapter may not be sufficient to en- <br />able the operation of the sewerage system <br />or district treatment facilities to comply <br />with water quality standards or effluent <br />limitations specified in the NPDES permit <br />or any other applicable permit. (Ord. 1082 <br />§ 2, 1983; Prior Code § 2-15.40.11) <br />15.28.120 Dilution Prohibited: <br />No user shall increase the use of pro- <br />cess water or in any way attempt to dilute <br />a discharge as a partial or complete sub- <br />stitute for adequate pretreatment in order <br />to achieve compliance with the limitations <br />contained in the federal standards, or in <br />any other pollutant specific limitation <br />developed by the city, state or federal <br />government. (Ord. 1082 § 2, 1983; Prior <br />Code § 2-15.40.12) <br />15.28.130 Special Agreement Allowed: <br />Nothing contained in this chapter shall <br />be conttnaed as preventing any special <br />agreement between the city and any per- <br />son whereby any water or waste of un- <br />usual strength or chazacter or composition <br />may be accepted by the city for treatment. <br />Such agreements may be allowed, and, in <br />the event that any such special agreement <br />or arrangement shall involve additional or <br />extraordinary expense to the city or dis- <br />trict, such individual shall be required to <br />reimburse the city therefor, and to post <br />with the city such bond or other guazantee <br />as shall be acceptable to the city to pro- <br />tect the city against any damage which <br />may be caused thereby. (Ord. 1082 § 2, <br />1983; Prior Code § 2-15.40.13) <br />15.28.140 Further Limitations: <br />Upon the promulgation of the federal <br />categorical pretreatment standazds ("feder- <br />al standards") or any new standards by <br />the district for a particulaz industrial sub- <br />category, the federal standazds or the new <br />district standazds, if more stringent than <br />limitations imposed under this chapter for <br />sources in any applicable subcategory, <br />shall immediately supersede the <br />limitations imposed under this chapter. <br />(Ord. 1082 § 2, 1983; Prior Code <br />§ 2-15.40.14) <br />(Pleasanton January 2004) 402 <br />