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15.08.010 <br />15.08.610 Treatment Plant Or <br /> Treatment Works <br />15.08.620 Trunk Line Or Trunk <br /> Sewer <br />15.08.630 Uncommitted Capacity <br />15.08.640 User <br />15.08.650 Volume <br />15.08.660 Wastewater <br />15.08.670 Wastewater Discharge <br /> Permit <br />15.08.680 Water Softener <br />15.08.690 Zoning Ordinance <br />15.08.010 Generally: <br />For the purpose of this title, the words, <br />terms and phrases used in this title shall <br />have the meanings defined in this chapter, <br />unless the context cleazly indicates a <br />different meaning. (Ord. 1082 § 2, 1983; <br />Prior Code § 2-15.01.00) <br />15.08.015 Apartment: <br />"Apartment" means multiple-dwelling <br />units not individually owned and on a <br />single lot. (Ord. 1895 § 1, 2003) <br />15.08.020 Applicant: <br />"Applicant" means any person, or <br />group of persons, applying for sewer <br />service. (Ord. 1082 § 2, 1983; Prior Code <br />§ 2-15.01.01) <br />15.08.030 Billable Parameters: <br />"Billable pazameters" means those <br />parameters, including, without limitation, <br />flow, BOD, capacity, SS, volume and 1/1, <br />for which the treatment works is designed <br />to treat and for which average user chazge <br />unit costs are calculated pursuant to chap- <br />ter 15.20 of this title. (Ord. 1082 § 2, <br />1983; Prior Code § 2-15.01.02) <br />15.08.040 Biochemical Oxygen <br />Demand (BOD): <br />"Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)" <br />means the measure of oxygen utilized in <br />the biochemical oxidation of the organic <br />matter in a sample of sewage for five (5) <br />days at twenty degrees centigrade (20°C), <br />as determined by the method of testing <br />for BOD pursuant to the standard meth- <br />ods. (Ord. 1082 § 2, 1983; Prior Code <br />§ 2-15.01.03) <br />15.08.050 Capacity: <br />"Capacity" means all or a portion of <br />the total volume of sewage and industrial <br />waste, expressed in terms of gallons per <br />day, average dry weather flow <br />("GPDADWF"), that the city is entitled to <br />collect and dischazge into the treatment <br />plant, and which may be allocated to <br />users. (Ord. 1082 § 2, 1983; Prior Code <br />§ 2-15.01.04) <br />15.08.060 Charge: <br />"Charge" means the rental or other <br />charge established by this title for servic- <br />es and facilities furnished by the city to <br />any premises in connection with the oper- <br />ation of sewer facilities. (Ord. 1082 § 2, <br />1983; Prior Code § 2-15.01.05) <br />(Pleasanton January 2004) 370 <br />