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20.08.094 <br />Specification to resist load combina- <br />tions 12-1 through 12-6 (in Chapter <br />16) and shall meet the requirements <br />in these provisions. <br />Part I includes a Glossary, which is <br />specifically applicable to this Part, <br />and Appendix S. <br />2. Part I, Sec. 4.1., first paragraph of <br />the AISC Seismic Provisions is re- <br />vised as follows: <br />4.1 Loads and Load Combinations <br />The loads and load combinations <br />shall be those in Section 1612.2 <br />except as modified throughout these <br />provisions. <br />(Ord. 1869 § 2, 2002) <br />WHERE: <br />f, = 1.0 for floors in places of public <br />assembly, for live loads in excess of <br />100 psf (4.9 kN/mZ), and for garage <br />live load. <br />F, = 0.5 for other live loads. <br />f2 = 0.7 for roof configurations (such <br />as saw tooth) that do not shed snow <br />off the structure. <br />FZ = 0.2 for other roof configura- <br />tions. <br />EXCEPTIONS: 1. Factored load <br />combinations for concrete per Sec- <br />tion 1909.2 where load combinations <br />do not include seismic forces. <br />3. Where other factored load combi- <br />nations are specifically required by <br />the provisions of this code. <br />(Ord. 1869 § 2, 2002) <br />20.08.100 Section 1612.2.1 - <br />Amended -Basic Load <br />Combinations: <br />Section 1612.2.1 of the California <br />Building Standards Code 2001 Edition <br />(24 CCR), and including by reference <br />the Uniform Building Code, is amended <br />to read as follows: <br />1612.2.1 Basic load combinations. <br />Where Load and Resistance Factor <br />Design (Strength Design) is used, <br />structures and all portions thereof <br />shall resist the most critical effects <br />from the following combinations of <br />factored loads: <br />1.4D (12-1) <br />1.2D + 1.6L + 0.5 (L, or S) (12-2) <br />1.2D + 1.6 (L, or S) + (f, L or 0.8 W) (12-3) <br />1.2D + 1.3W + (f,L + 0.5 (L, or S) (12-4) <br />1.2D + 1.0E + (f,L + f2S) (12-5) <br />20.08.103 Section 1612.3.1 - <br />Amended -Basic Load <br />Combinations: <br />Section 1612.3.1 of the California <br />Building Standards Code 2001 Edition <br />(24 CCR), and including by reference <br />the Uniform Building Code is amended <br />to read as follows: <br />1612.3.1 Basic load combinations. <br />Where allowable stress design (work- <br />ing stress design) is used, structures <br />and all portions thereof shall resist <br />the most critical effects resulting <br />from the following combinations of <br />loads: <br />D (12-7) <br />D+L+(L,or S) (12-8) <br />D + (W or E/1.4) (12-9) <br />0.9D t E/1.4 (12-10) <br />D+0.75 [L+(L,or S)+(W or (12-11) <br />E/1.4)] <br />704-13 (Pleasanton April 2003) <br />