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18.44.090 <br />CR* CR** CN CC CS CF CA <br />(m) (P) <br />-Sports arenas or stadiums C C <br />-Stamp and coin stores P P P P <br />-Stationery stores P P P P <br />-Stone and monument yards P <br />-Storage buildings for household goods P <br />-Storage yards for commercial goods, C <br />supplies and equipment including <br />fuel storage, no less than 300 feet <br />from any R or O district <br />-Swimming pool sales, supplies P C C P C <br />and/or service <br />-Tailor or dressmaking shops P P P P <br />-Taxicab stands P P P P P P <br />-Taxidermists P P P P <br />-Television and radio sales and P P P P P <br />repair shops <br />-Theaters and auditoriums P P C P C <br />-Tire sales and service, not C C P P <br />including retreading and re- <br />capping or mounting of heavy <br />truck tires <br />-Tires, batteries and accessories P P <br />-Tobacco stores P P P P <br />-Tool and cutlery sharpening or C P <br />grinding <br />-Toy stores P P P P <br />530-3 (Pleasanton April 2003) <br />