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ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Blank, Foa, Olson, and Pearce. <br />NOES: Commissioner O'Connor. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />RECUSED None. <br />ABSENT: None. <br />The motion passed. <br />Acting Chairperson Fox suggested that the Commission go through the document by page. <br />P_ a ell <br />There were no comments. <br />Paee 2 <br />Acting Chairperson Fox suggested that under "General Plan," a row be included that said <br />"Specific Plan" and initiate an East Side Specific Plan. <br />Commissioner Blank and Commissioner Pearce supported that suggestion. <br />Paee 3 <br />There were no comments. <br />Pa eg_4 <br />Acting Chairperson Fox would like to add language to initiate a pedestrian, school, and bicycle <br />safety program given the recent accidents in the City. <br />Commissioner Blank requested that the police increase their patrols on Valley Avenue during the <br />morning and evening commutes to address a possible public safety issue with respect to traffic <br />routing between Santa Rita Road and Stanley Boulevazd. <br />Commissioner O'Connor noted that "Traffic Signal Coordination" was listed as "pending" and <br />would like this item to be made a high priority project. <br />P= Qe 5 <br />Commissioner Blank would like a sprinkler ordinance included as a high priority item and added <br />that over the past two years, there had been several unanimous votes of the Planning <br />Commission to do so. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES December 13, 2006 Page 20 of 26 <br />