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that, as in this application, the noise had to be enclosed and that only acoustic music <br />would be allowed outside. She believed this would be a good addition to the over 30 <br />wineries in the South Livermore Valley. <br />Mike Madden, 1355 Galanti Court, spoke in support of this item and believed the Wente <br />family's involvement would be an asset to this project. He believed any noise from this <br />event center would be more indicative of a vital community, and he would not object to <br />it. <br />Gazy Maceli, 1569 Via di Salerno, spoke in support of this item and added that he had not <br />been bothered by any noise from the Palm Event Center. He believed the revenue <br />brought in to the City by this project would be very helpful. He believed this use would <br />be very beneficial to the azea. <br />Joe Sasek, 1809 Spumante Place, spoke in support of this item and added that he owned <br />the Wine Steward store downtown. He noted the applicant's ability to make a business <br />work and believed this center would benefit the community. <br />Dominic Scotto, 2439 Pomino Way, spoke in support of this item and added that his <br />family has been in the winery business for 30 yeazs. He noted that the event center would <br />be vital to the economic success of the vineyards. <br />David Perry, 3504 Mercato Court, spoke in support of this item. He noted that the <br />applicant was well-known and respected within the Ruby Hill community and had been a <br />very considerate neighbor. He had requested the opportunity to present his project to the <br />community, which was well-attended. He noted that there was a small group of people <br />who objected to the project for a vaziety of reasons and that Mr. Callahan met with them <br />to accommodate them the best he could and still make this a practical business venture. <br />He believed the project was generally welcomed by the community. <br />Arpad Nagy, 2001 Ruby Hill Blvd., spoke in support of this item and believed that the <br />proposed project would add to the quality of the community. <br />Laura Corthell Wu, 1907 Zenato Place, described the process whereby the Tri-Valley <br />Conservancy was funded. She believed that the applicant was a good neighbor and <br />person and that the event center would be a good idea. She was concerned about the <br />proximity to Ruby Hill, when combined with the other three event centers in the <br />immediate azea. She believed the entire length of Vineyazd Avenue should be considered <br />with respect to traffic rather than looking at it piecemeal. She asked the Commission to <br />think about the quality of life for the residents in Ruby Hill and suggested that the <br />applicant operate just a winery without the event center. <br />Jack Sum, 708 Avio Court, spoke in support of this item and believed the applicant's <br />spirit of cooperation with the residents has been admirable. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 25, 2006 Page 6 of 21 <br />