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PC 091306
City of Pleasanton
PC 091306
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PC 091306
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Kitty Harvey, 3790 Smallwood Court, spoke in support of this item and noted that she <br />also owned the empty lot across the street from the site at 221 Neal Street. She noted that <br />both of her children had interacted with the residents through dance and art programs and <br />understood her neighbors’ resistance to change. She felt the neighborhood had benefited <br />from the presence of the convalescent hospital. She believed it was more appropriate to <br />have two homes on the site than an enlarged nursing home. She believed that the fact <br />that the general manager, Mr. Black, wished to live in front of the facility to raise his <br />family showed character and integrity. <br /> <br />Becky Duret, 4318 Second Street, spoke in opposition to this project and noted that there <br />had already been extensive rebuilds within the neighborhood that changed its character. She <br />understood that communities changed and was not opposed to all development. She did <br />believe that the fact that the general manager would choose to live in front of the facility was <br />a wonderful idea, but believed that the green space would be of more benefit to the <br />residents. <br /> <br />Christine Bourg, 4512 Second Street, spoke in opposition to this project and agreed with <br />the previous speakers. She encouraged the Commission to respect the agreement from <br />1973. <br /> <br />Brian Bourg, 4512 Second Street, spoke in opposition to this project. He agreed with the <br />other speakers and did not believe that every piece of open space should be an invitation to <br />build additional homes at the expense of the goal of retaining the character and charm of <br />Pleasanton, as promised when the facility was built. <br /> <br />Commissioner Blank disclosed that he knew Jon Harvey from outside the Commission and <br />had not discussed this specific topic with him. He indicated that he had not seen Mr. Harvey <br />for some time. <br /> <br />Jon Harvey, 3790 Smallwood Court, noted that he and his wife owned the vacant lot across <br />the street from the facility. They had been informed of the possibility of two houses being <br />built there, and he noted that this residential neighborhood already had a church and the <br />convalescent facility. In his opinion, houses would be a good fit on the land. He noted that <br />he was an avid conservationist and fought sprawl on the edges of town. He noted that if he <br />were to have credibility in fighting sprawl in the hills, he would have to support building <br />houses elsewhere in town, such as in Downtown infill areas near transit. <br /> <br />Theresa Aimar, 4625 Second Street, spoke in opposition to this project. She did not want <br />Downtown Pleasanton to have huge houses that were built to make huge amounts of money, <br />which she believed ran counter to what Pleasanton was about. She would like Pleasanton to <br />remain as a quiet, quaint community with proper growth. <br /> <br />Michael Maslana, 205 Heritage Lane, spoke in opposition to this project. He expressed <br />concern about the patients of the facility and noted that there was a lot of activity in the front <br />of the facility and down the street. He noted that his street got a lot of traffic from people <br />trying to find the hospital. He believed the intent of the 1973 decision should be honored <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 13, 2006 Page 15 of 23 <br /> <br /> <br />
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