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PC 091306
City of Pleasanton
PC 091306
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PC 091306
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and a Planning Commission hearing hearing on June 22, 2006, which was continued to <br />this hearing. He displayed the site plan and described its layout and features, including <br />the streetscapes from various perspectives. He described the changes to architectural <br />Public and Institutional features of the home, including the porch, roof pitch, and <br />massing. <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Blank regarding whether the homes would be <br />sprinklered, Mr. Townsend replied that it would be up to Planning staff and added that <br />the homes were under the 5,000-square- foot threshold. Ms. Decker confirmed that the <br />Fire Marshal did not require these homes to be sprinklered. <br /> <br />Mr. Samuelian noted that this facility was one of about 15 facilities that Generations <br />Healthcare managed. He described the business plan of the company and noted that the <br />company excelled in picking up older facilities and upgrading them to today’s standards. <br />He observed that the Commissioners may recall what the facility used to look like. He <br />described how the proposed project was not particularly the highest and best use of the <br />front portion of the property but felt that the development of beautiful single-family <br />homes reflecting the charm and architecture of the Downtown was a better fit than an <br />expansion of the existing facility. He noted that the area being considered as “required <br />open space” was in fact not required. He noted that the upper portion fronting Neal <br />Street was not used by the facility; by staff, or by the residents. He added that they would <br />be bringing in a sign design for Lot A for the facility. He also noted there was a <br />consideration to hey had a signage street plan and that they would like to widen the <br />driveway if possible, but that was would be part of a different future proposal. <br /> <br />Mr. Townsend described the architecture and noted that although this lot did not fall <br />within the historical Downtown zone, they tried to follow those design guidelines. He <br />noted that the architectural details were very traditional and compatible with the <br />Downtown area, for example the sunburst detailing on the gable ends. He also noted that <br />the homes had been reduced a “skosh” per the Planning Commission direction and, <br />therefore, reduced in floor area. . <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Olson regarding whether the area with the <br />park bench would be eliminated, Mr. Samuelian replied that they referred to the <br />applicants who sat on the green lawn “escapees” and that they planned to eliminate that <br />area to allow residents going outside to be contained within the courtyard with adequate <br />supervision. <br /> <br />Acting Chairperson Fox noted that the applicant’s facility in Modesto had an open space <br />adjacent to the facility and inquired why that could not be included in this plan. <br />Mr. Samuelian replied that the residents did not go out to the park and were encouraged <br />to stay within the courtyards. They had designed the courtyards so they were very <br />comfortable for the residents and their family members; he added that all of their <br />residents required full-time care, and it would be a dangerousnot be desirable for them to <br />venture situation if they went out on their own without an aide. <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 13, 2006 Page 12 of 23 <br /> <br /> <br />
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