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r^ that had been approved eazlier of the issues addressed would become part of the material <br />addressed in the Final EIR. <br />Chairperson Arkin disclosed that he visited the site. He noted that visiting the project site <br />provides for a better understanding of the project and is very helpful in the review <br />process. <br />Commissioner Fox disclosed that they had visited the site with the applicant. <br />Commissioners Olson and O'Connor disclosed that they had visited the site. <br />Martin Inderbitzen, representing the applicant, made a presentation to explain the <br />overview of the project. He noted that they had not requested a General Plan <br />Amendment and stated that as submitted, it was a 98-unit project. He noted that they <br />intended to minimize the overall disturbance of the property. As a result, the project <br />submittal resulted in the removal of approximately 120 trees out of a total of about <br />12,000 trees. He noted that the development concept was consistent with that of <br />surrounding developments such as Kottinger Ranch and Grey Eagle Estates; they <br />believed it was pemutted and called for in the General Plan. They realized that the major <br />issues would be view impacts and traffic. The traffic analysis indicated that the street can <br />accommodate the buildout of 98 units, although it would have an impact to existing <br />residents. They had been engaged in discussions for some time to mitigate the perceived <br />impacts to the residents, which would entail a reduction from 98 to 51 units on the <br />~ property as outlined in the environmentally preferred alternative. He displayed the lots <br />that had been removed, particulaz the lots that had the most visual impact on the property. <br />He noted that the impact on 2000 feet of lineal drainage was all but eliminated by the <br />environmentally preferred alternative; that drainage will remain. The traffic impact to <br />Hearst Drive would be reduced by neazly 50 percent by the removal of 47 units. <br />He noted that they intended to demonstrate how the lots lay into the existing landscape, how <br />the grading would occur to drop lots lower on the site, and in relation to the existing tree <br />canopy, the mature trees would be brought up to create better visual shielding. They would <br />also demonstrate how the tree mitigation plan would replace several hundred trees to buffer <br />the future development. He noted that the mandatory design guidelines would be very strict. <br />Cormissioner Fox noted that the simulations on the Oak Grove website were sharper and <br />clearer than those in the Draft EIR and expressed concern about the lack of sharpness in the <br />visuals in the Draft EIR. <br />Mr. Inderbitzen stated that the Final EIR and project approval would contain a series of <br />visual analyses that would adhere to the project, as proposed, and to the design guidelines. <br />He noted that the visuals would be of the quality as seen in the Austin property application. <br />Mr. Pauan concurred with the Commission that the quality of the visual could be better but <br />could not speak to the reason at this time. He appreciated the Commission's comments in <br />r,o, that regazd and indicated that staff would ensure that the visuals provided to the Commission <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 23, 2006 Page 11 of 17 <br />