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Ms. Decker displayed the floor plan and noted that part of the discussion addressed <br />whether the addition could be moved more forwazd over the garage and whether the <br />second story could be reduced such that it took 50 percent or less of the entire first-floor <br />footprint. The applicants were not convinced that they could embrace the design <br />compromises that would ensue in the domino effect that change would incur to the <br />interior layout. She noted that the floor azea ratio (FAR) was not fully utilized and that <br />the design met all of the zoning development standazds in place for the property. She <br />added that there were no view easements for the benefit of the property owners and that <br />the same opportunity requested by the Knights would be available for each resident <br />within the subdivision. <br />Ms. Decker noted that the neighbors were concerned that it seemed to be an excessively <br />large addition and added that the packet contained a color representation of the homes in <br />the neighborhood. Thirty-nine of the homes aze 3,000 squaze feet or lazger in azea; the <br />Georgatos had requested that the applicants' home be less than that square footage. The <br />two homes in Kottinger that Commissioner Fox requested to be included in the <br />comparison were also lazger than 3,000 square feet. The Knights' proposal would be less <br />than the City's typical height. The applicant and architect have decided that the majority of <br />the roofline at the ridge is predominantly 21 feet, which is a significant design when <br />single-story homes aze generally a minimum of 25 feet. <br />Staff recommended support of the Zoning Administrator approval with the indicated <br />amendments. Staff recommended that the transom windows be maintained for privacy and <br />~ that the trees as proposed and modified by the Zoning Administrator and staffbe <br />maintained. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Blank regazding whether the City would have <br />funds for mediation if so directed by City Council, Ms. Decker replied that the funds <br />would then be available. She noted that the Planning Commission could condition the <br />project that if it were to be approved or appealed, it must go into mediation before <br />proceeding to the City Council. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Blank regarding whether Mr. Iserson was <br />acceptable to all parties as a mediator, Ms. Decker replied that the parties had been <br />informed that he would be the mediator, and staff had not received any negative <br />feedback. Ms. Decker noted that since Febniary, there had been a lack of confidence on <br />staff's ability to mediate; however, there was a great deal of confidence in utilizing <br />Mr. Iserson's mediation skills to reach a resolution. <br />Commissioner Fox inquired whether the City had considered obtaining a volunteer <br />mediator, such as a former Planning Commissioner. Chairperson Arkin believed that was <br />a good idea. Staff responded that this had not been considered. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />F~ <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES June 28, 2006 Page 6 of 26 <br />