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Mike O'Callaghan, Pleasanton Downtown Association, 125 West Neal Street, noted that <br />he had submitted a letter into the packet and wished to read a portion of it into the record <br />as follows: <br />"The PDA's Design Committee first reviewed the architectural plans on <br />November 15, 2005. At that time, the Committee voiced its concerns that the <br />proposed design was not in keeping with the established historical setting of <br />Downtown Pleasanton. Additionally, the proposed design did not conform to the <br />Downtown Design Guidelines or Downtown Specific Plan. Due to the <br />significance of the project, it was also reviewed by the Board of Directors at their <br />November 22, 2005 meeting. The Board directed the Design Committee to <br />continue to work with City staff on revisions to the proposed external design." <br />Mr. O'Callaghan supported the function of this building and trusted that the Civic Arts <br />Commission and the Task Force had done their homework so the building would fit their <br />needs. The PDA would like to see the project move forward posthaste. Two members of <br />the PDA sat on the Task Force: its president, Judy Wheeler Ditter, and its treasurer, Janec <br />Yarborough. Christine Salidivar, who was instrumental in the writing of this letter, was <br />very supportive of moving ahead, and he noted that they did not wish to delay the <br />process. He noted that in his meeting with City staff on November 15, 2005, he was <br />assured that the design of the exterior of the building would continue to be considered. <br />He believed this design did not conform to the Guidelines and was not a good fit for the <br />Downtown. He believed, however, that the design could be improved and that it could <br />(r look better than the Amador High School. He added that the design had an institutional <br />look. He noted that the staff report was void of that discussion, and the PDA would like <br />to continue to work with staff. He would like staff to work with the PDA and the Design <br />Review Committee to bring this project into conformance with the Downtown Design <br />Guidelines. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Roberts regarding whether Charles Huff was <br />involved with the design review, Mr. O'Callaghan said no. Mr. Huff had hoped to speak <br />but he was ill and could not be in attendance. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Roberts whether the PDA had any problem <br />with the floor plan, Mr. O'Callaghan replied that they did not. He added that the PDA <br />did not take exception to the program elements or the interior layouts. He believed that <br />the exterior was not consistent with the design guidelines for the Downtown and that the <br />architects had represented the volume of the building as being driven by the function of <br />the building. He noted that he was surprised that the design went to design review so <br />quickly, and he hoped the building would be more in conformance with the Downtown <br />Design Guidelines. <br />Ron Greenspan, Chief Executive, Axis Community Health, 4361 Railroad Avenue, noted <br />that his building was directly across the street from the firehouse and was very happy that <br />the fire engines were gone. He noted that he had worked on the Task Force for over a <br />~^ year and added that there was a lot of community participation in the design, which he <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 8, 2006 Page 10 of 18 <br />