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PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PLEASAhrON <br />COUNTY OF ALAI~DA, 3?ATE OF CALIFORNL <br />MINOT&S <br />The regular seating of the Planning Commission was held Thnraday, <br />Anguat 16, 1956 at 8:00 p.n. is the City Hall with Chairman <br />Hansen presiding. <br />Roll Call shored present: Cossissioners Collier, Haaifea, <br />Hewitson, Nevis sad Hansen. Absent: Co~sisaioner Abrott. <br />TFte sinntes of the preceding nesting were read and approved <br />as read. <br />Canss:aications• <br />1. The Pleasanton Chaa~er of Conse;ee requested that <br />they be allswed to atte~ the work sessions and <br />other meetings of the Planpt.n6 Cos~si.asion. The <br />secretary was asked to place them on the sailing <br />fiat. <br />2. The Plsssaaton Chamber of Coasxres, after considera- <br />tion sad disenssion of the Roy Jensen commercial <br />zoning lroqueat, opposed s~ commercial or shopping <br />casters onteide the present city lisita bnainesa <br />and commercial <br />3. Roy Jensen requested that the latter of soning~~0f <br />the bnsiaess and prefeeaioaal center area be <br />facladed oa the agenda for August 16, 1956. <br />4. The Coanty Planing Csioisaion stated that it had <br />approved the reques! s# the Alllsd[-iew Land Co. for <br />wittdrawsl of tha ieststive 11~y Tract 171?. <br />Chairman Hansen introduced Mr. Williams and Mr. Rudd, who are <br />rspressntatives of Harold liise Associates, City Planning <br />Consultants. <br />Old Basiness <br />1. Mr. J. W. Hendsrsoa appeared before the Planning Cossisaion <br />to request that he be allowed to cove his garage accsrdiag <br />to a submitted ilcstch. A notion was made by Conmisaioner <br />Itanifen, seconded by Csmaiasioner Collier, and'spprovad <br />by all, to allox Mr..Hendersoa to resove the garage and <br />replace as per sketch. <br />2.The problem of coning the Roy Jensen profssaional center <br />proved a sore c~ple: one than anticipated. After a <br />discussion with the local buaiaesa sen present, it was <br />moved by Cosaissiener Nevis, seconded by Co®issioner <br />Hewitson-and approved by all, that the Planning Comisaion <br />postpone the zoning until the nezt regular meeting oa <br />September 20, 1956. At that tine, the Planning Commission <br />will have had tine to discuss the matter with Harold iliac <br />Associates, planning consultants, and obtain their views <br />and recommendations. <br />3. Mr. Ozaen preaentsd several rates chss!ged by cities for <br />their sewer connection fees, iaclmdisys a auaa:ary by the <br />City of Merced. No action was necessary. <br />Ths meeting was adSonrned at 10:15 p.m. to seat again in <br />regular ssasion oa September 20, 1956 at 8:00 p.m. <br />Secretary ~ <br /> <br />